Chapter 12

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~Brielle's POV~
We both saw each other's shirt and just looked at each other without saying anything.
Alyssa was wearing a shirt that said "surprise.." with a rainbow flag on it.
I was wearing a shirt that said "sorry boys." With a rainbow flag on it.

"Is this real? Did we both somehow figure out we were gay and god was just like "you know what, after everything that has happened to them. Let me give them some joy." Like oh my god." Alyssa said.
I kinda just sat there, I didn't know what to say.
"I... yes I guess." I smiled, I was kinda tearing up.

"Bri why are you crying?" Alyssa laughed. She sat down next to me and hugged me.
"I don't know.. I guess I was scared to see how you would react." I laughed.
"I was a little scared too." She told me.
"You're such a good friend." I told her. Pulling away and wiping my tears.

"So... how do we tell our parents this? I mean... how would they react?" I said.
"We can hide it... for now... you know.. since we're telling them we're moving out, they will already be a bit shocked." She told me.

We saw the time was already 5pm and we've been out all day.
"We should call our parents, see where they are. Cuz if we are gonna tell them that we are moving.. it should be tonight.. and we have to start packing.. we can just leave our beds at our houses. But we would need to really just pack any special stuff and clothes." I said.

I called my mom.
Stella: hey Bri, it's getting late, you guys coming home soon?
Brielle: hey mom, what are you guys?
Stella: we're all at the Casey house right now, all your siblings, the Casey Kids, Gabby, Matt, your dad, and I are all here. Why?
Brielle: no just wondering. Alyssa and I will head over there now then. See you soon.
Stella: ok baby love you.

"What did your mom say?" Alyssa asked me.
"She said everyone is at your house. And our dads are back too." I said.
"Great, let's get changed out of these shirts, we can leave all this stuff here, let's just put the food away, and get the board ready in the car." Alyssa said.

We got everything put away. Took off our shirts, put back on our original clothes. And we're back in the car.
"I wish I could drive." I laughed.
"You can't even put any weight in your foot without it hurting, how would you drive?" Alyssa laughed.
"That's my problem." I laughed.

I got the board done in the car.

"I did it! They only have letters so it's kinda plain

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"I did it! They only have letters so it's kinda plain." I laughed.
"It looks good though." Alyssa said.
"So just to be clear, we aren't telling our parents about.... that whole thing right?" I asked her.

"No, we could tell them when we have girlfriends." She said.
"Ok. Why am I so nervous to tell them that we're moving?" I laughed.
"I know me too." Alyssa laughed.

We finally got to the Casey house. Alyssa had the board behind her back.
We found all the parents in the kitchen.
"Hey girls, how was your day?" My mom asked us.
"It was good. We didn't really do that much." I said.

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