Chapter 21

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~Brielle's POV~
Today is the day. We finally start our training.
Although, our love life has been terrible. We've each only had like 4-5 girlfriends and they have all been terrible. The longest Alyssa has dated someone was for about 2 weeks, and for me it was 3 weeks. But they've all been terrible. Whether it's they don't the fact that we're gonna be firefighters, or they don't like something else.
But today, we will finally start our training.

"Brielle! Can you get ready any slower?" I heard Alyssa yell from downstairs.
"Well if you didn't take so long in the bathroom before I wouldn't be here rushing!" I yelled.

"Dude I'm not about to be late because of you!" Alyssa yelled.
"Oh my god! I'm ready!" I yelled. Running down the stairs.
"Finally my god." Alyssa said.
"Dude you took an hour in the bathroom so then I only had like 10 minutes to shower!" I said.

We drove to the academy. Alyssa and I went our separate ways to our training.
"Hello, what's your name?" The lady asked me.
"Brielle Severide." I said.
She looked at the list she had.
"Ok you're going to room A." She told me.

I went to my room. I obviously didn't see anyone I recognized. But I was the only girl there. And I looked the youngest. There were about 30 of us. It looked like a lot of people knew each other, I was kinda just off by myself.
"Hey, I'm Jake.. what's your name?" I heard a voice behind me. I turn around a see a young guy there, maybe 20 years olds.

"Hey I'm Brielle." I said, shaking his hand.
"So.. how long have you known you wanted to become a firefighter?" He asked me.
"I basically grew up in a firehouse. Both my parents are Lieutenants in the same firehouse. So I've been wanting to be one since I was maybe...6? I think." I laughed. "How about you?" I asked him.

"Growing up, I lived on a busy street and always saw the fire trucks pass by the house. Every-time I heard the sirens, I always ran to my window because my bedroom window always faced the street they would pass by. And then every other year my school would take a trip to one of the firehouses. So I guess I always knew I wanted to be one. I wanted to help people, but I didn't want to become a doctor and go through medical school." He laughed.

"You know who our instructor is?" I asked.
"It's one of the female Lieutenants. Not really sure who though, that's all I know." He told me.
"Oh ok." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Cause you look like the youngest person here." He laughed.
"I'm 18. How about you?" I said.
"Oh wow, yea I think you are the youngest person here. Everyone else is like at least 20. I'm 21." He said.

Then our instructor came in.
"Alright everyone Hello. I'll be your instructor for these next few weeks. My name is Lieutenant Kidd and I am excited to see if you guys have what it takes." I looked up and saw my mom.
When she saw me she smiled a little, I smiled back.

"Alright first, We'll do some basic drills. First we'll do the tires. Keeney you're up first." My mom said.
Then Jake went up and tried it.
"45 seconds, not bad." My mom said.
He came back and gave me a high five.
"That was good." I smiled.
"Thanks, I almost tripped like twice." He laughed.

Everyone did the drill. Then it was my go.
"Severide, you're up." My mom said.
Some people looked at me once they saw me walk up and heard my name.
I did the drill.
"19 seconds. Impressive." My mom said. I've done this drill a bunch of times before. But I've never done it that fast.

I went back to my spot next to Jake.
"Dang, you did the fastest time out of everyone." Jake told me, and high five me.
We did more drills and I did good. I thought I could do better, but I was happy with myself since it was my first day. Today was just a warm-up.
"Alright, you guys did good today, Severide, stay back, I wanna talk to you at the end." My mom said.
"Yes Lieutenant." I said.

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