Chapter 90

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-Time Jump-
Brielle and Alyssa's kids:
-Skylar Dawson Severide: 14 years old; 9th grade
-Cameron Matthew Severide: 14 years old; 9th grade
-Maxx Kelly Severide: 10 years old; 5th grade
-Scarlett Stella Severide: 3 years old; Day-Care

Addilynn and Lucas' kids:
-Elliot Everett: 10 years old; 5th grade
-Ellie Everett: 7 years old; 2nd grade

Layla and Anthony's kids:
-Olivia Rose Jameson: 9 years old; 4th grade
-Amelia Iris Jameson: 6 years old; 1st grade

Jaxson and Kenzie's kids:
-Peyton Rae Severide: 9 years old; 4th grade
-Daniella Kate Severide: 5 years old; kindergarten
-Griffin Ryder Severide: 5 years old; kindergarten

~Brielle's POV~
It's Friday, Alyssa and I are about to leave the firehouse.On the days we have shift, the kids stay at Addilynn and Lucas', Layla's and Anthony's, or Jaxson and Kenzie's.

This time, they stayed with Jaxson and Kenzie. We had a plan to go to the Cabin with everyone after the kids got off of school/daycare.
The kids knew this too, so on Wednesday night, they each packed a bag for the weekend.

It was time to pick up the kids from school/daycare.
We pick up Scarlett first, then Maxx, then the twins.
"I have to take this call, can you please go in without me?" Alyssa asked me as we pulled up to Scarlett's daycare.

"Yea sure baby." I said.
I went inside.
"Hello, I'm here to pick up Scarlett Severide." I told the lady at the front desk.
"Ok, may I please see your ID?" The woman asked me.

I gave it to her.
"I'll go get her." She told me.
Within 2 minutes Scarlett came running out.

"Mama!" She squealed and ran into my arms.
She is the only kid that we've had that obviously prefers one parent more than the other one. She's such a Mama's girl and is very clingy sometimes, but it's so cute. The other 3 obviously love us, but they aren't as clingy as she is. But it's cute.

We got in the car and picked up the rest of the kids.
"Hey you guys! Ready for a fun weekend with all your cousins?" Alyssa asked the kids.

"Yes! Cam and I were talking at lunch and we really wanna go to this go-karting place. It's like 20 minutes away from the cabin." Skylar told us.

"Well, we'll see, remember you two are 14 but all your cousins, and siblings are at least 4 years younger than you guys." I chuckled.

-at the cabin-
We got to the cabin and we saw Jaxson and Kenzie were already there.
"Hey! The other Severides!" Jaxson laughed as he saw us come in.
"Hey!" I laughed.

Everyone was now at the cabin.
We were all still here, we haven't left yet. All the kids were hanging out in the kids room, and the rest of us were hanging out in the living room.
"You know what we should do later tonight?" Alyssa asked.
"What?" Kenzie asked.

Alyssa looked at me and smiled.
"We should take a walk on that path and go to the bridge... just hang out under the stars." She said.
I smiled at her and gave her a kiss.
"That would be nice." I told her.

"Is that a special spot for you guys?" Anthony asked us.
"It's where I proposed to her." I smiled.
"And we took some wedding photos there." Alyssa smiled.
"Ohh yea, I forgot you guys even had the wedding here." Jaxson laughed.

"Ma, can we please go out and do something?" Cameron and Skylar came out of the room.
"Are you guys bored of your siblings and cousins?" Addilynn laughed.

"Well, we have at least a 4 year age gap with all of them." Cameron said.
"Yea, why couldn't we have been born later or why couldn't you guys have kids sooner?" Skylar laughed.

"Your parents are the oldest ones. And Brielle was crazy about having kids as soon as she got married." Layla laughed.
"It's getting late. Why don't we all go out to eat, then we all go for a nighttime walk?" I asked.

Everyone agreed. We all went to this restaurant.
"Hi, how long is a wait for 19?" I asked the host.
"Um.... About 15 minutes." He told me.
We all sat on some benches to wait.

Cameron and Skylar were talking about something.
"Shut up." Skylar laughed and smacked her brother in the back of the head.
"Skylar can you not hit your brother?" I laughed.
"He deserved it." She laughed.

-after dinner-
We got back to the cabin.
We decided to go on the nighttime walk.

"Hey Cam look." Skylar showed her brother something on her phone.
"Go jump off that bridge right now. I'm so done with you." He laughed at her.

"Come on you love me too much." Skylar laughed and pushed him. Cameron punched Skylar in the arm.
"Can you guys not abuse each other for 5 mins?" Alyssa laughed.
"Mom, that's how we show our friendship with one another." Cameron laughed.

We got to the bridge under the stars.
Alyssa and I gave each other a kiss.
"Little Blaze in my heart." I chuckled under my breath as I kissed her.

"Ew!" Scarlett, Daniella, and Griffin laughed as Alyssa and I kissed.
We all laughed.

"I love you." I told Alyssa as I looked in her eyes.
"I love you more." She smiled at me.


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