Chapter 9

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~Stella's POV~
"Who are you guys?" Brielle asked.
We all looked at each other, confused.
"What? Bri it's me... Ally?" Alyssa went up to Brielle and tried to grab her hand.

"Don't touch me! I don't know you!" Bri yelled and got super worked up.
"Ok Brielle... listen it's ok..." Dr. Charles said. "Do you want them to go?"
"Yes.. I don't know who they are." She said.

"Can you guys come just wait outside her room? We're going to test something." Nat told us. We're now just outside her room.

Dr. Abrams was doing a quick test on Brielle.
"Brielle what of the week is it?" Dr. Abrams asked her.
"Um... I don't know..." she said.

"Can you tell me your full name?" Dr. Abrams asked her.
"Brielle..... something?" She said.
This was now worrying us.
"Do you know who I am?" Dr. Abrams asked her.
"No.." she said.
"Who's that?" He asked, pointing to Rhodes.
"I don't know.." She said.
Nat walked towards Rhodes.
"Who is she?" Dr. Rhodes asked.
"I don't know..." She said.

"And who are they?" He asked, pointing to Dr. Charles and Reese.
"I don't know!" she said.
"Listen it's ok...Do you know how you got here?" Dr. Charles and Reese were now up.

"I don't know.. did I try to kill myself? Why do I have so many cuts on me..?" She asked, looking at her body, tracing her cuts and bruises with her fingers.
"No. Thank god you didn't. Because we would never want to loose you." Dr. Reese smiled at her.
"Ok almost done with all these questions.. how old are you?" Dr. Charles asked her.

Brielle got a metal tray off the medical cart next to her and looked at herself in the reflection.
"17/18?" Brielle said.
"Last one. Look around the room, are you sure you don't know anyone?" He asked her.
"I've never seen any of you before!" She yelled.
"It's ok to be frustrated right now. We just need to figure somethings out.." Reese said.

Brielle now very agitated and freaking out now. It broke Kelly and I that we couldn't go and help calm her down.
"Give her 2 of Ativan." Dr. Charles said.
April gave Brielle the medication and within a few seconds, she was out.

Dr. Charles went to us.
"I'm sorry.. we don't know what happened.." Dr Charles said. Then Dr. Abrams came up.
"It seems that the lack of oxygen that she had, must've made her loose her memory. That or if she hit her head on anything during the attack." Dr. Abrams said.
"Is it temporary?" I asked.
"Hard to say for now... we'll run some tests to figure it out.." he said.
"Let's get her up to radiology, let's get an MRI, a CAT scan, a CT, and run some labs and blood work." Nat said.

As they were wheeling we off, Nat and Rhodes came to us.
"Was this because we rushed her process to wake up?" Kelly asked.
"Hard to say... she did get extremely injured and as Dr. Abrams said, she could of very well hit her head in that attack." Dr. Rhodes said.
"Will she ever get her memory back?" Gabby asked.

"Could be possible. We're gonna do some tests, see if any of this was from the attack... I'm sorry." Nat said.
"We got our hopes up too quickly... didn't we..?" Addilynn said.
"I guess so... don't worry though... we've seen a lot of these actually..." I said.
"You have?" Alyssa asked.
"Yea.. in fires, people hit their heads, they wake up, not knowing anything.. a few hours later, everything comes back." Casey explained.

We went back to the lounge room. All the kids were still asleep.
"Can you girls please sleep? We're going to as well." Gabby told Alyssa and Addilynn.
Addilynn and Alyssa looked at each other and then nodded.
"Ok.. fine." Alyssa said.

Once they were fast asleep. Gabby, Casey, Kelly, and I talked.
"Man we can't catch a break..." Kelly said, rubbing his face out of exhaustion.
"I know.." I said.

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