Chapter 62

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~Brielle's POV~
It's been 4 months since the popped stitches. I'm fully healed and working again. The twins are 2 and a half years old now.

"Skylar, come on, can you please eat?" I begged Skylar to eat. The twins had to get to daycare. Alyssa and I don't have shift today, but we have errands to do while they're at daycare.
"No!" Skylar yelled at me.
I made them their favorite breakfast but she didn't want to eat it.

"Please Skylar? You guys have to go to daycare." I said. Cameron already ate and Alyssa was getting him ready.
"No!" She yelled again. She didn't even eat anything.
"What's going on down here?" Alyssa asked, coming down with Cameron.

"She won't eat..." I sighed.
"Skylar Dawson Severide. Just take 3 bites of your food, we have to go." Alyssa asserted her voice at Skylar.
"No!" Skylar yelled again.

"Ok fine. Let's get you ready then, we have 10 minutes.." I gave up and threw her plate out. I grabbed her and ran upsitars and quickly got her ready. I quickly got her dressed and did her hair in two ponytails. I got her teeth brushed and got her bag ready.

We ran down and drove them to daycare.
"Mama." Skylar said.
"Yea honey?" I asked, looking back at her.
"I'm hungry..." she said.
I looked at Alyssa.

"Sky you didn't eat your breakfast. That's why you're hungry, you should've listened to Mama and I and you should've eaten your breakfast." Alyssa said.
"Ok..." she said.
"Here, eat this quickly." I said, giving her a granola bar.

She ate it and we dropped them off.
"Bye guys, we love you!" Alyssa and I said as we dropped them off. We gave them each a hug and a kiss and dropped them off.

Alyssa and I got back in the car.
"I love our daughter but she really tested me this morning..." I groaned and rubbed my face.
"Well, they are 2 now. So they are at the stage where all they want to do is test your limits. And push your buttons." She laughed.

"Yea I guess you're right..." I said.
"So, what should we do first? We have 7 hours until we have to pick them up and we have a lot to do today." Alyssa said.
"I think we should go to headquarters first." I said.
We had to go to headquarters for some reason. We didn't know why, but we haven't had the time to go.

We headed over to headquarters.
"Hi, we were called over here, but we don't know why." I told the lady at the front.
"Ok, can I have your names, badges, and drivers licenses?" She asked.
"Um... we don't have our badges." Alyssa said.
"Ok, do you girls know the numbers?" The lady asked.
"Yea we do." I said.

"Ok, so can I have your name, drivers license, and can you tell me your badge number?" The lady asked me first.
I gave her my license.
"Brielle Severide. My badge number is 1556." I said.
The lady inputed the info into her computer.
"Ok, and you?" She asked Alyssa.

Alyssa gave her her license.
"Alyssa Casey. My badge number is 3304." She said.
"Why does your drivers license say Alyssa Blaze Casey-Severide?" The lady asked her.
"My married name is Severide, but I use my maiden name at the firehouse. So I have both on there." she told her.

"You two are married?" She asked us.
"Yes." We replied.
She looked at us and then inputed the info into her computer.
"What firehouses do you work at?" She asked us. I think she expects us to be in separate houses.

"I work on Truck 81 at firehouse 51." I said.
"I work on ambo 61 at firehouse 51." Alyssa said.
"You guys are married and work in the same firehouse? That's not allowed." She told us.
"Talk to deputy district Chief Boden. He's the one who cleared it. We've been working in firehouse 51 since we were 18." I said.

The lady looked at us, then just agreed.
"Ok. That's all we needed. We needed to update your files. Kinda just a reevaluation to make sure everything here is up to date." She told us.
"Ok, have a good day." I said.

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