Chapter 80

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~Brielle's POV~
-Beginning of August-
-Brielle is now 32 weeks pregnant-
-Addilynn is 20 weeks-

Addilynn and I have finally made up. We made up a few days ago.
I got woken up to some noise.

"Hey my love, sorry, I dropped my phone. But I have to go to the academy for something, I'll be back soon ok?" Alyssa told me.
"Ok baby..." I told her and gave her a kiss.

She left and I went back to sleep.
About 30 minutes later, I woke up to Skylar coming in.
"Good morning sunshine." I smiled.
"Good morning mama." Skylar said, coming in my bed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her.
"Yea, where's mommy?" She asked.
"Mommy had to go do something. Wanna go down to the kitchen and make some breakfast?" I asked her.
"Yea!" She said.

I went into Cameron's room to see if he was awake and he was still sleeping.
I went downstairs with Skylar.
"What do you want pumpkin?" I asked her.
"Waffles!" She said.

We made them.
I got the box of mix, the ingredients, and the waffle iron out.
We made the waffles and I went upstairs to wake up Cameron. I didn't want him to sleep in too late because then he won't go to sleep on time tonight.

"Cam... can you please wake up? I made waffles." I rubbed his back to wake him up.
He turned over and woke up.

The 3 of us were now just downstairs hanging out.
"Mama? When's Mommy going to be back?" Cameron asked me.
"I'm not sure, honey. But I'm sure soon." I told him.

About an hour later, Alyssa came home, Skylar and Cameron were playing in the playroom and I was cleaning up the downstairs main area.
"Hey my love." Alyssa came in and gave me a kiss.
"Hi baby." I smiled, I noticed she looked a little stressed out.

"Baby, are you ok? You look stressed out." I asked her.
"Yea just... it's nothing, it's ok.." She said, and started to walk away, upstairs.
"No baby... what's wrong? Tell me..." I grabbed her hand and asked her again.

"Just been stressed out... anxious..." she told me.
"Is something going on you're not telling me.. what's going on baby?" I asked her.

"I don't know... it's just... your 32 weeks right now.. and I guess I'm just nervous... because look at what happened last time.." she told me.

"Baby... I barely ever drive right now... I'm so careful now... you don't have to stress... I tell you everything and I make sure everything is ok all the time..." I told her.

"Yea just..." she said, but I stopped her and kissed her.
"You don't have to worry so much... I know you love me and you're scared... I am too... but.. we have to be strong and believe that this time will be easier..." I told her.

She nodded her smiled.
"Yea just... sorry, I don't know why today I woke up and I just felt so anxious all of a sudden and couldn't shake it off..." she told me.

"You don't have to be sorry... that's how I've been this whole pregnancy so far... but, I have to remember that I'm feeling this way because I'm bringing us another baby and a whole other little baby for us to love on." I smiled.

She smiled and put her hand on my stomach.
"2 months or less..." she smiled.
"Yup..." I smiled.

-3 weeks later-
-End of August-
-Brielle is 35 weeks pregnant-
-Addilynn is 23 weeks-

It's almost 9pm in our house right now. Alyssa is on shift and I'm home alone with Skylar and Cameron.
It has been a really hard day today because since I'm due in just over a month, my body feels like death.

I've been trying to get Skylar and Cameron to bed for over 30 minutes now, but they won't sleep, they want to go to the firehouse.

"Guys.. we will go to the firehouse in the morning, can you guys please just go to sleep? Please.. mama's really tired..." I told them for the 100th time.

"No! We wanna go to the firehouse!" They kept on saying. I just haven't had any energy today. They've been arguing with me all day today and I've been just so out of it.
"Ok.. get your jackets on.. let's go to the firehouse..." I gave up. All I wanted to do was sleep.

We got in the car and I am absolutely exhausted and terrified of driving right now.
We drove to the firehouse.
Ambo was the only one there. It was now 10pm.
"Hey my love.. what are you guys doing here?" Alyssa asked when she saw us come into the common room.

"They wanted to come here, they've been arguing with me all day... I finally gave in... I'm so exhausted..." I told her, sitting down at the common room table next to her.

"I'm sorry my love..." Alyssa rubbed my back and hugged me.
Skylar and Cameron fell asleep on the couch.

"Really? Now they fall asleep? I was fighting with them since like 7:30 to go to sleep..." I said as I saw them sleeping.
"I'll go take them each to a spare bunk.. why don't you stay here for the rest of the night? I don't want you driving home while exhausted.." Alyssa told me.

I nodded my head.
She took them to spare bunks and then Violet came out.
"Hey Bri. How've you been?" She asked me.
"Exhausted." I laughed.

Then the rest of the vehicles came back to the firehouse.
"Hey Bri." My mom smiled.
"Hey mom." I smiled.

"You're almost technically full term right?" She asked me.
"Yea, in like... 4 days." I smiled.
"You've had any stronger symptoms or something?" She asked me.

"My hormones have definitely gotten worse... same with the nausea.. and I started having those... what are they called? Braxton Hicks. Like not super strong just yet. And M is so strong. Always kicking a storm." I laughed.

"I remember every-time I was pregnant, my nausea would get really bad once I would get around that 36 week mark, and it would just get worse up until labor." My mom said.
"Well, because of the hormones I have to take, I've been nauseous this whole pregnancy." I laughed.

Ambo 61 person in distress 5967 Jenkins Ave

"I'll see you when I come back." Alyssa gave me a kiss before she ran out.
"I'm gonna go try and sleep." I laughed.

"Why did you come here in the first place?" My dad asked.
"Skylar and Cameron wanted to come here all day, but I'm just too tired, but I finally gave in and here we are.." I said.

I went to my old bunk next to Alyssa's and passed out.

~Alyssa's POV~
We just returned from the call, it was just some person with a broken arm. We got back to the firehouse.
Once we went in, I noticed Bri wasn't in the common room anymore.

"Um... where's Bri?" I asked Aunt Stella.
"Sleeping in her old bunk. You guys excited to have another little one?" She smiled at me.
"Yea, we are." I smiled.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Person trapped 63 West Nyack st.

Once everyone left, Violet and I were still in the common room.
Then we heard some little footsteps. It was Cameron.
"Hey baby." I smiled, he came up to me and went in my lap.

"Hi mommy.." He rubbed his eyes.
"Why don't you go lay back down?" I asked him.
Then he fell asleep on my lap. I carried him back to the bunk he was in before and then went over to Brielle.

She was awake, but exhausted.
"Hey my love... do you wanna go home? I'll drive you back home." I asked her, sitting down next to her on the edge of the bunk.

"No it's fine... I just can't sleep." She told me.
"Are you in pain or just can't sleep?" I asked her.
"Both..." she sighed, covering her face with her hands.
"Maybe M's ready to come." I smiled, putting my hand on her stomach.
"Hopefully.." she lightly chuckled.


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