Chapter 87

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~Brielle's POV~
-Brielle is 38 weeks pregnant-
I'm supposed to be on super strict bedrest right now. But I've been helping OFI out with this case for almost 2 weeks now, and we're so close on getting it done.

I haven't been on the scene, but I have a feeling I can figure out a piece of information, but I need to actually go and see the site. I've just been doing everything from home. But I know I shouldn't really be out of the house too much.

The kids were eating breakfast and I was getting myself ready to head over to OFI for a bit. Alyssa came in and was confused why I was getting ready. The kids are gonna head over to Jaxson and Kenzie's for the day. So I thought it would be perfect for me to go to OFI for a bit. But Alyssa was the one who was gonna take them, so she was confused when she saw me getting ready.

"My love.. why are you getting ready?" Alyssa asked me.
"I'm gonna head over to OFI for a bit just to see if I can figure anything out. I've been relying on files and photos, I need to see the site for myself." I said.
"My love... you shouldn't... and you know that..." Alyssa told me.

"Baby, I'll only be there for a bit. I promise. We're so close to figuring this out." I said.
"Please don't overwork yourself, if you feel too tired to drive yourself home, call me or get Seager to drive you back home." She told me.
"My love, I got it, I promise." I chuckled and gave her a kiss.

I took a deep breath as I felt a Braxton Hick hit my in my ribs. It only lasted for about 30 seconds.
Alyssa looked at me worried.
"Baby I'll be fine. It was just a false alarm." I told her

She looked at me serious.
"I mean it... please I can't take loosing you again..." She told me.
"Baby... I promise." I told her.

Alyssa took the kids and I left the house about 30 minutes later. I headed over to OFI.
"Brielle, I didn't know you were coming in today." Seager smiled when I walked in.
"Hey, I thought I would come in just for a few hours. We're so close to solving this and I think I just need to see the sites in person to maybe fit the puzzle pieces together." I laughed.

"How much longer?" She asked, pointing to my stomach.
"2 weeks or less." I chuckled.

"Really? So... shouldn't you maybe... stay home?" She asked.
"I haven't worked at the firehouse since I got pregnant. And the only work I've really been doing is these jobs, but I've only done like 3 cases." I said.

"Well, Vanmeeter will be here in about an hour. And we were actually planning on heading to a site at around noon." She explained to me.
"The... abandoned house right?" I asked, somehow forgetting what case we were working on.
"That's the one." She told me.

The case we're working on is an abandoned house. I've only seen photos, but the place is really rundown. There was a fire there about 3 weeks ago. And the incident commander thought there might be arson involved. Well, we still don't know if he's right. And since this hasn't been that big of a priority case, we haven't worked in it much in the past 2 weeks. And only like 2-3 times.

Vanmeeter came and we headed over to the site.
We got to the site and for some reason, it seemed way worse than what the pictures showed.
"Ok so... we think that there was some line in the walls. With some type of accelerant." Seager showed me parts of the walls that were burnt.
"It kinda seems like it.." I said, shining my flashlight on it.

We walked around the site, looking for anything suspicious.
Seager and I went upstairs.
"All these rooms up here look good..." Seager said, puzzled.
"Yea.. maybe this wasn't arson.." I said.

Then I got a call from Alyssa.
"Sorry, I gotta take this.." I told Seager,
"Yea no problem." She told me.

~Alyssa's POV~
Violet and I just got back from a call. And I decided to call Bri, she shouldn't even be out of the house right now. She can go into labor at anytime now and I'm worried.

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