Chapter 11

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~Brielle's POV~
-one week later-
It was noon and I was getting ready to go see that house will Alyssa. I got some leggings and a t-shirt on.
I looked at all the cuts, scars, and bruises that you could see on my arms and sighed.

I sat back down on my bed and put my head in my hands.
"Well, on the bright side, nothing will ever be scarier than that night.." I whispered to myself.

I got back up and sat down on the floor in front of my mirror and straightened my hair. I did my makeup to cover the bruises. All the cuts I had on there were already healed.

I heard my door open and saw my mom there.
"Um...What are you getting ready for?" She asked me, confused.
"Alyssa and I are hanging out out today, we're just gonna be in the car driving around, and we might hang out in the park. I just want to get out of this house for a bit." I explained. I had to lie to my parents because Alyssa and I don't want to have them know about us looking for a house just yet.

"Why didn't you tell me? I don't think I want you out and about just yet, it's only been a week since you've been back from the hospital." She told me. I knew this would probably happen.

"It's ok mom, I'll be with Alyssa and she's probably not gonna let me walk very far anyway, we're just gonna really be hanging out in the car and just driving around." I said.

"Ok're not the one driving right?" she said. I'm 18 already, but I know she's just worried for me.
"Mom, if I could, I would, but I can barely put an ounce of weight on this stupid foot and it feels like I broke it." I said. Since it was my right foot, I obviously couldn't drive.

"Did you put makeup on or are your bruises gone on your face?" She asked.
"Bruises are still there. Just used some full coverage stuff." I said.
She looked at my arms that were exposed and all the cuts and bruises.

"I'm so sorry honey.. I shouldn't have let you keep doing the case.." she said, looking at everything.
"It's fine mom, there's nothing we can do about it now, so let's just focus on the future." I said.
"Yea but look at all the scars you'll have now.." she said.

"It just shows an intense battle I had. Isn't that what Jasper says from twilight "battle scars." Right? It shows how strong I am that I escaped death." I joked.

I finished getting ready and went downstairs.
"Where's dad?" Greyson asked me.
"How should I know? I've been in my room." I laughed.
"He's doing a construction job with Uncle Matt, where are you going?" Jaxson asked me.

"Going to hang out with Alyssa. Why you so nosey?" I laughed.
"Man it looks like you just got out of a mental hospital." Addilynn told me. Looking at all the cuts and bruises that were exposed on my arms.
It's September 1st, so it was a little chilly, I decided to grab a small black zip up sweater.

"I didn't mean you should cover up.." Addilynn told me.
"It's fine, it's only like 50 degrees out there anyway." I said.
I put my crutches down and just hopped around the kitchen to get some water.
"You know that's what crutches are for." Jaxson said as he saw me hoping around.
"Yea yea, but I move so slow with those things." I said.

"Bri, where are you going?" I heard Oakley.
"I'm gonna go hang out with Alyssa ok? I'll be back later." I told her.
"Ok.. I wanted you to do my hair though.." she said, holding up a brush, a scrunchie, and a spray bottle.
"I have like 5 mins before Alyssa comes. Go to the couch and I'll do your hair." I said.

I did Oakley's hair and right when I was done I heard the front door open.
"Hey! You ready?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yea, I'm ready. Oh wait, Oakley, I have like 5 medicine bottles on my nightstand in my room, can you get them please?" I asked her.
"Ok sure." She said.

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