Chapter 69

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~Brielle's POV~
The man had a hat on so I couldn't see his face.
"You." He told me.
"Excuse me?" I asked him, I got a little closer to hear him, but quickly backed up because he smelled so strongly of alcohol.

He kept his hat on.
"I want you." He told me.
I had my hand over my mouth to not make myself vomit.

"Sir I.. I can't understand you. Maybe I'm mishearing you or something.." I told him.
He said something, but I couldn't make it out.
But the nausea was really getting to me now.
"Just... give me a minute." I said, and quickly went outside to the back.

I was out there for about 2 minutes, just there taking deep breaths, trying not to throw up, with myself almost hunched over with my hands on my knees. When I heard some footsteps infront of me.
"You did this..." I heard a voice.

I looked up and it was Grant.
"You left me... for that... fireman." He said.
"Listen to me, Grant. I-" I started, but he cut me off.
"Just shut up! I saw you. I saw you with that woman! That paramedic lady!" He yelled at me.

I noticed he had a knife.
"I saw you with your two little kids! You left the firemen and started dating women? And you have kids? Since when was that a thing? You told me you never wanted to have kids!" He yelled at me, pointing the knife towards me.
"Grant.. you need help..." I told him, putting my arms out.

"No, you need help.. you're sick in the head. You're a whore! You hear me?! You're a whore!" He yelled.
"Grant I-" I started to say, but he cut me off again.
"You're a whore Stella Kidd, you're a whore!... and I know you have another one on the way.." he told me, pointing the knife to my stomach.
My eyes widened.

"Grant just put the knife down.." I told him. I now had one hand on my stomach, one hand out in front of me.
"No.. you're dead to me.." he told me.

"Grant I don't know who you think I am... but I'm not Stella Kidd...I promise you. My name is Brielle." I told him.
"No.. that's what you want me to think." He said.

"Grant I'm not lying, I swear. I- I have no clue who Stella is. I've never even heard that name in my life." I said. He chuckled.
"Yea sure... You're dead to me Stella Kidd! You're dead to me!" He yelled. He ran towards me and slammed me against the wall. My back slammed the wall, knocking the wind out of me. Then he kept the knife inches from my face.

I was struggling to fight back. Then he quickly moved the knife to my stomach and tried to make a cut. I swatted his hand away. He ended up pushing his hands onto my stomach. It was hurting so much. This was giving me flashbacks from over 6 years ago. The fight with Jared at Molly's.

He wrapped his hands around my neck, choking me out.

"Hey!" I heard a voice. I saw Alyssa there. Grant immediately turned over to her.
"Alyssa he has a knife!" I yelled.
He grabbed her. She punched and kicked him.

Knocking him down onto the floor, kicking the knife out of his hand. But then he got back up. She grabbed a metal tray from the garbage can and hit him on the head, making him go unconscious.

I was on the floor against the wall, crying.
Alyssa quickly ran over to me.
"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" She asked me.
I looked at her and nodded my head, hugging her.
"It's ok..." she told me. She was looking at me, trying to see where he hurt me.

"He tried to cut the baby out..." I told her, my voice breaking with every word. My sweater was up, showing a big hand print on my stomach. Alyssa lifted up my sleeves and I had bruises on my arms from where he grabbed me, and a few on my ribs. She looked at my neck, I could feel where the hand prints were on my neck.

Alyssa put her hand on my stomach.
"He's not gonna hurt you anymore... no one else is going to hurt you anymore." She told me.

Alyssa called CPD.
Grant was just laying there, on the ground.
"Yes, we need police at 1925 W. Cortlandt Street, Chicago, Illinois... and maybe an ambulance.." I heard Alyssa say. Once she hung up the phone, she went inside and then my parents came out.

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