Chapter 39

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~Brielle's POV~
-Mid February-
We're all on shift, it's been a busy shift so far, all units have had at least 10 calls each and it's only 3pm.
Then Otis came running in.

"Hey guys it's February! You know what that means!" He yelled. Some of the common room cheered, and others groaned.
Alyssa and I looked at each other confused.
"What's in February?" I asked.
"The polar plunge!" Otis yelled.

"What?" Alyssa asked.
"So we basically have to swim in Lake Michigan, and the longer we stay in, the more money goes to charity." Alyssa and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Um... again... what?" Alyssa asked.
Everyone laughed.
"As your PIC Alyssa, you have to participate." Violet said.
"You too Brielle." My mom said.

"But it's the middle of February." I laughed.
"But it's for charity." Otis said.
"Ok fine... I guess?" I said.
"Ok, it's next week. Thursday, be there." Otis said.

Truck 81, Ambo 61, Squad 3, Engine 51 House Fire 42 Lincoln Park drive

We got to the address.
It was a 3 story house.
"Dawson, Mouch, Otis search the bottom floor!" My mom ordered.
"Squad we're doing the top floor!" My dad yelled out.
"Candidate and Gallo with me! We'll be on the second floor!" My mom yelled out.

We went in.
My mom and I split up in the fire, it was roaring.
"Fire department call out!" I yelled.

This house was huge.
After 5 minutes, I heard Uncle Matt in the radio.
"That's it! Smokes black! Everyone out!" I heard him yell.
I was about to leave, but then I heard something.

I heard a child's cry, and a baby's.
"Fire department! Call out!" I yelled.
"Help!" I heard a little boy yell.
"Where are you? Call out!" I yelled.
The fire was so thick.
Then I heard beeping, my tank was about to run out of air.

"In here!" The boy yelled.
"Severide get out of there! You're the only one still in there!" My mom yelled in her radio.
"Lieutenant! Give me a minute!" I said.
The air on my tank was officially out. I took off my mask and kept trying to find the kid.

"Hey kid where are you!" I yelled out again.
I finally found them. It was a little boy holding a little baby. He was in the corner of the room crying, the baby in his arms was crying as well.

"Come on you're safe now, let's get out of here." I said.
"Ok.." the boy said.
I held both the boy and the baby in my jacket.

"Severide get the hell out of there! The fire is too unstable!" I heard Uncle Matt yell.
"Finding my way out now!" I yelled.

Once I finally got out, I gave the kids to Alyssa and Violet.
"Why did you take off your mask?" Alyssa ran and hugged me.
"Tank ran out.- had to- save them-.." I coughed.

"Severide, go with Ambo, get that smoke inhalation treated." My mom said.
"I'm fine, Lieutenant-" I said, but she cut me off.
"Go, that's an order." She said.

I rode in the back with Alyssa and the kids.
"How are they?" I asked.
"This little boy has some minor smoke inhalation, and this little girl is ok." She said.

I smiled.
"I know you want one... I do too, just wait a little more.." she whispered to me.
I nodded my head.
"Where are the parents?" I asked.
"The other ambos took them." She told me.

We got to Med dropped off the kids and went back to the firehouse.

"Hey Brielle, you're wanted in Casey's office." Gallo told me.
"Ok." I said. I looked at Alyssa for her to come with me.
We went to Uncle Matt's office.
"You wanted to see me Captain?" I asked.

I saw my mom was there too.
"So... we wanted to say good job for saving those kids... but that was dangerous..." He said.
"It was very dangerous, if your air tank runs out, you cannot stay in the fire." My mom said.
"But I still saved them. And mom- Lieutenant... you've both done that a million times." I said

"Just... good job on saving them. And try not to pull that risky stunt again." My mom said.
"Understood." I said.

We left the office.
"That was a really risky move you did babe..." Alyssa told me.
"I know that... but I couldn't imagine those parents loosing their kids, look how young they were." I said.
I started to tear up, remembering that Alyssa and I both lost our baby just 3 months ago.

"Hey, it's ok... we'll start trying again soon ok? I just didn't want you to try so soon after your surgeries..." she hugged me.
"Can we go to Med after shift? Just to make sure everything is ok?" I asked.
"Yea sure..." she smiled at me.

-after shift-
Alyssa and I were in the locker room.
"I texted Natalie like an hour ago, she said we can head over at 9am." Alyssa whispered to me.
"Oh great! So let's grab some breakfast." I said.

We left shift and went to get some coffee, than we went over to Med.
"Hey you two. I just need you guys to wait out in the waiting room for like 5 minutes." Nat told us.

We waited and after 5 minutes we heard my name.
We went into the room.
"So when are you guys planning to start trying?" Natalie asked.
"Probably May or June. My candidate position ends towards the end of June, so maybe end of June, beginning of July." I said.
"Ok.. Well let's run some tests." Natalie said.

Alyssa and I waited in the room for the test results.
"What if something isn't right from the miscarriage?" I asked.
"Don't worry... I'm sure everything will be ok." She hugged me.

After 5 minutes Natalie came back in.
"Well Brielle, everything looks great! So I need a date for when you two want to start trying. Because the 2 weeks before, we will have to discuss other things." Natalie said.

Alyssa and I looked at our work Schedule.
"July 6th. We're not working that day. But why do I have to come in 2 weeks prior?" I asked.
"While we find a donor and fertilize the eggs, you will have to be put on hormones. Twice a day injections and one pill twice a day too." She said.

Alyssa and I looked at each other.
"Why all that stuff?" I asked.
"Just to make your body be as fertile as possible. I do have to warn you, the hormones are very similar to pregnancy hormones. And you might experience nausea as well." She told me.

Alyssa looked at me worried.
"It's ok... it's for our baby.." I smiled at her.
Then I looked at Natalie and nodded.
"I'll do it." I said.
"Ok, good. Does June 21st work for you two?" She asked.
We looked at our calendar.
"Yea it does." Alyssa said.

We left Med and we're now just sitting in the car.
"I'm scared..." I said.
"Don't worry.. I'll be with you every step of the way." She gave me a kiss.

"Injections AND a pill twice a day, girl I'll just be drugged up on hormones." I laughed.
"Maybe they should add a chill-pill to that prescription of hormones." She laughed.

"I'm just scared but also just really excited. I just want to have a baby with you." I said.
"I know... and I think we should tell our parents. Maybe you should switch to ambo once you start the hormones." She told me.

"I.... Maybe... we'll tell our parents a couple days before I have to start them.. and I think it would be better if I go on ambo.. I don't want my hormones to be all crazy if I'm in a blazing fire." I laughed.

"Oh I got a text from Otis." She said.
"What does it say?" I asked.
"Don't forget about the Polar plunge next week." She read.
"Man I forgot about that." I said.

-day of the plunge-
"It's literally 15 degrees out. Do they really expect us to be there?" I said as we were getting ready.
"Unfortunately..." Alyssa told me.

We got ready and went to the polar plunge.
"You guys made it!" Otis said.
"Well we didn't really have a choice." Alyssa said.

We went into the water, it was freezing. Alyssa and I stayed in for the longest time. The whole firehouse needed up raising 578$.

After we were done, we all got changed into dry clothes and went home.


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