Chapter 88

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-Brielle is now 39 weeks-
-End of July-
My due date is in 5 days. I had an appointment with Natalie and she told me that I can go into labor anytime now and that I really shouldn't leave the house at all. Same as last time. But I'm honestly done being pregnant. And I'm excited for Scarlett to come already. No one knows what we're naming her.

"Alright, bye my love. I'll come by later to check on you guys. I have to go to shift." Alyssa gave me a kiss before she left.
I was laying in our bed.
I went back to sleep and woke up to noise downstairs.

I went downstairs to go see and saw Skylar and Cameron in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to make something.
"What are you two doing?" I yawned.
They both jumped when they heard me.
"Making breakfast. You were asleep and we didn't want to wake you." Skylar said.

"Honey... I appreciate that you guys didn't want to wake me up, but I don't trust you guys in the kitchen alone just yet.." I told them.
"Mom told us to let you sleep, but we wanted pancakes." Cameron said.
"Ok, let me make them, I don't want you hurting yourselves." I told them.

I made them breakfast and then we just hung out.
The kids were watching a movie and I was in Scarlett's nursery, putting some clothes away.

I kept getting those Braxton Hicks and I was super nauseous.
"My god... Scarlett please come soon..." I groaned and had my head in my hands.

I went downstairs to get some nausea gummies.
"Hey Ma, can we please go to the firehouse?" Maxx came into the kitchen.
"Do you guys wanna head to the firehouse?" I asked Skylar and Cameron.
"Yea!" They said excitedly.
"Ok, wear some comfy clothes." I said.

I went upstairs to go get myself ready.
I was feeling so out of it and my body was in so much pain. I was just laying down on the bed. Then I got a call from Alyssa.

Brielle: hello?
Alyssa: hey my love. How you doing?
Brielle: the kids and I are about to head to the firehouse now. I'm literally supposed to be getting ready right now and I'm laying in bed. I'm so tired..

Alyssa: my love, then don't come... do you want me to head over to the house instead? I can probably take an hour off or something.
Brielle: no it's ok... I'd rather be over there with you so you can keep working... and the kids really wanna go...
Alyssa: ok. The bells just went off, I'll see you soon.
Brielle: ok be safe.

Once I hung up the phone, I made myself get up and finished getting ready.
We went over to the firehouse.
Only Ambo was there.

We saw Mills and Alyssa there.
"Last I checked, you work on squad." I laughed at Mills.
"Violet and Gallo are both out today, so I'm filling in for Violet today." He laughed.

They were playing cards.
"Ooo can we play something together?" Skylar and Cameron asked.
"Yea sure, what do you guys wanna play?" Mills asked them.
"Black Jack!" Skylar said.

I looked at Alyssa.
"Can I talk to you?" I mouthed to her.
"You guys play with Mills ok? Ma and I will be back." Alyssa said.
"Mills do you mind?" I asked him.
"No, not at all." He chuckled.

Alyssa and I went into the locker room.
"What's up my love?" Alyssa asked me.
"I think she might come today..." I smiled.
"Really? You sure?" She asked me.

"Yea... I've been super nauseous today, I've been getting so many cramps, and my whole body aches." I said.
"Maybe she will come today... you never know..." she smiled.
"I hope so. I'm done being pregnant." I laughed.

It was now later on. The kids were hanging out in the briefing room. Skylar and Cameron were looking at CFD books and Maxx was on Cameron's phone.
"Hey, why are you guys doing?" I asked them.
"Looking at these old books here." Cameron said, showing me.

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