Chapter 54

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~Brielle's POV~
It's Sky and Cam's 1st birthday in just a few days! Today we are going to the airport! We decided to go to Puerto Rico since it would be a nice vacation and they've never been on an airplane before. We're praying that they behave, but you honestly never know with these two.

We're already all packed and everything. It's currently 4am. We had to wake up early because our flight leaves at 8am, but traveling with 2 babies and the fact that we are 16 people including them, means it's gonna be hectic at the airport with all of us.

You got our parents.
Alyssa and I are 23 years old.
Addilynn and Layla are 21 years old.
Jaxson, Greyson, and Oliver who are 19 years old.
Oakley, Madison, and Mason who are 16 years old.
And Skylar and Cameron who are just about to be 1.
So it's a lot of people.

Waking up the babies was the hardest thing because we know they will probably be fussy.
We all got ready and headed to the airport.
We met up with everyone else, and the twins were so tired.

"Aww are they tired?" Addilynn asked.
"Yea, we had to wake them up to get them ready.." I said. We had them in the stroller, we will keep them in their until we get to the gate. Once we get to the gate, we have to give the stroller to someone who will put it away somewhere on the plane.

We went to TSA, which Alyssa and I knew would be a whole process. Both the twins can walk now, but they still struggle sometimes and still need to sometimes hold Alyssa and I's hands.

We went though TSA and went to find some breakfast.
"What should we get? There's not many options." Layla laughed. There was a Wendy's, Starbucks, Sandwich shop, and bagel shop.
Madison, Alyssa, Jaxson, Addilynn, and I wanted Wendy's, so we went there.

After we all got our food, we all met up at a table. We all ate and then the twins fell asleep in their stroller. Alyssa and I did not want them to fall asleep just yet. We wanted them to sleep on the plane so that way they would be asleep for most of the time, hopefully.
"How long is this flight again?" Oakley asked.
"Like 4 and a half hours." Alyssa said.

We only had about an hour until our flight was supposed to start boarding, so we all went to the gate.
Sky and Cam had a little bit of energy left, so we decided to play with them to keep them awake.
We were all sorta just running around with them and then playing with some toys we packed them.

Skylar had her little hand wrapped around my fingers and we were walking around a bit. Both babies kept switching off with different people.
Finally when our flight was being called to board, we had to pack up the stroller to give it to someone at the gate and we boarded the plane.

We got seated in our seats. We were in a full row. We bought an additional seat so that way the 4 of us would be in one row.
Alyssa is at the aisle. We bought the middle as an addition and I'm in the window, since I have to feed them.

Once we got seated both Skylar and Cameron were passed out.
"Let's hope they sleep for the whole flight." I laughed, seeing Skylar asleep in my arms. Cameron was asleep in Alyssa's.
"Yes let's hope." She laughed.

We landed in Puerto Rico and both babies woke up when the plane landed.
They were both fussy with all the noise going on.
"Shh, it's ok baby." I patted Skylar's back.
We got off the plane, went to baggage claim, got our bags, then went to the rental car place to get all our rental cars.

We headed to the hotel to check into our rooms. Uncle Matt and Aunt Gabby got their own room. My parents got their own room. Alyssa and I got our own room with our kids. And then our siblings got their own room. We checked in, got changed into bathing suits and went down to the pool.

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