Chapter 29

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~Brielle's POV~
It's been just over a month since Alyssa had that scary call.
We've been planning the wedding for a bit now. We have most of it planned already. We're gonna have it at the cabin, in September.
We want the theme to be grey and green with a bit of pink and a real woodsy theme. Alyssa and I love being outside.

We didn't want to have bachelorette parties but we wanted to do a reception. The actual wedding will be from 5pm-6pm. Then the reception will be from 6pm-midnight. Then right after the reception, we're going to the airport and going on our honeymoon.
We're going to Florida. We're going for 1 week. We're spending 3 days in Orlando, and 4 days in Miami.

We have shift today. And then tomorrow night, we're going to announce our engagement. We made invitations that we will give to everyone. Herrmann got the bar closed for the announcement. We just invited everyone from the firehouse, intelligence unit, and Med to Molly's but didn't tell them why. Antonio and Aunt Sylvie are flying to Chicago tomorrow morning and then they'll be at Molly's tomorrow night.

"Baby! Come on we'll be late!" I yelled out as I ran to the garage to the car with my shift bag.
"Ok coming!" I heard Alyssa yell and run down the stairs.

We were on our way to shift.
"Hey.. I know you said wait until we're married to talk about this again... but do you want kids in the future?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yea of course I do." I smiled. "Do you?"
"Yea I do. I can't wait to become a mom." She smiled.
"Well... maybe we could try IVF maybe a year after we're married?" I suggested.

"Ok. But who would be the one to get pregnant?" She asked.
"We could go to Med, and get checked to see who is more fertile. But would you want to get pregnant?" I asked.

"Honestly no. The thought of it and the thought of labor kinda scares me." She laughed.
"Really? Well I really want to get pregnant. So I guess I would be the one. But you never know, you could change your mind." I laughed.

"I'm excited to take your last name.." Alyssa smiled. She wanted to take my last name, and I didn't stop her. I told her I wouldn't more taking her last name, but she wanted mine. I parked outside of the firehouse.
"I can't wait to say I do." I gave her a kiss.

We got to shift.
It was now 1pm.
Alyssa and I were at the ambo as she was doing an inventory check on the ambo and I was doing one on the truck
"Hey, what is it you guys are announcing tomorrow? Because if it's something stupid then I'm not gonna go." Capp came over and laughed.

"Uh rude." Alyssa laughed.
"You have to come. You've been wanting to know what we've been hiding for 2 months. And we're telling you all tomorrow." I said.
"Ok fine. But if I'm not surprised, you owe me a beer." He said.
"Fine deal." Alyssa said.

"Are we supposed to be working tomorrow night?" Alyssa asked.
"Yea, but it's only gonna be intelligence, the firehouse, and some of Med there." I said.
"Ohh ok." She said.

We both finished our inventories and then we went to our bunks.
"My arms and legs are killing me." I said as we were sitting there.
"From what?" Alyssa asked.

"From that stupid crazy workout I did yesterday." I laughed.
"I can give you something from the ambo." She said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes come on." She said.

We went to the ambo and she gave me something for the pain.
We went to the common room.
"Hey, does anyone here know what you guys are announcing tomorrow?" Ritter asked.
"Yea, just our parents." Alyssa said.
"We aren't telling you guys so don't even try." My mom said. We all laughed.

We just got back from a call.
"Hey, I got a text from the flower people." Alyssa whispered to me
We went to my parents' quarters and discussed this.
"So what did they say?" I asked, closing the door.

"They said we could get all the decorations and centerpieces and everything for $1,500." She told me.
"Oh wow, that's way less expensive than any of the other places we've seen." I said.
"Yea I know. Should we agree?" She asked me.
"Yes." I said.

"Ok now... we still need to get wedding dresses and bridesmaids dresses." She told me.
"I was thinking... why don't we have both groomsmen and bridesmaids. I know neither of us are guys. But I would really like all our siblings to our bridesmaids and groomsmen. And our parents could be our maids of honor/ best men." I said.
"What.. that's actually a really cool idea." She laughed.
"We only have 5 months left. We should ask them." I said.

We went out to find them.
"Hey, can we talk to you guys?" Alyssa asked once we went up to our parents.
They looked confused but we all went to the briefing room.
"Yea what's up?" Uncle Matt asked.

"Ok so.. there's only 5 months till the wedding... and we were just discussing somethings but... would you guys like to be our maids of honor/ best men? We really want the rest of our siblings to be up there with us, but then we remembered we each have 2 brothers. So we thought we could change it up and have a mix of groomsmen and bridesmaids." I explained.

They all smiled at us.
"Of course we would." They said.

-next night-
Alyssa, Aunt Gabby, Uncle Matt, my mom, my dad, and I all went to Molly's early to just make sure we had everything good.

"Ok so you guys have all the envelopes to give to everyone?" My mom asked.
"Yep." I said, showing all of them in a box. We gave them all each just a matte black envelope with a cute sticker keeping them closed. Inside were the wedding invitations.

"You know it's kinda crazy how you guys grew up together since birth. And now you're together and about to get married." Aunt Gabby smiled at us.
Then Aunt Sylvie and Antonio came into the bar.

"Hey!" We all said when they came in.
"Oh my god hey!" Aunt Sylvie said.
"So what is this big surprise you guys are gonna share?" Antonio asked.
"You guys will find out later on tonight." I smiled.
Alyssa didn't have her ring on. She was going to put it on after we announced it.

-Later on-
It was now 8:30pm. Everyone was here and Alyssa and I were going to announce our engagement in 30 mins.
"Hey, can you give us a hint as to what this surprise is?" Ritter, Gallo, and Violet came up to us at the bar.
"Nope. Just 30 more minutes." I laughed.
"Fine. Can I just get another beer?" Ritter asked.
I got him one and they went back.

It was now time to do the announcement.
"Ok everyone! We will give each of you an envelope, but don't open it until we say so!" Alyssa yelled out.
We passed out the envelopes everyone was super confused.

"Um... I'm sorry but what is this?" Cruz laughed.
"Shut up and wait." I laughed.
Once everyone got their envelopes. We let them open them.

"Ok! You can open them now!" I yelled out. Alyssa got her ring out. Once everyone saw the invite, they all cheered.
"Oh my god that's so great!" Everyone yelled out.
We gave everyone a free round of beers.

"So who proposed? And when?" Aunt Sylvie asked us.
"I proposed to this gorgeous lady on Valentine's Day." I laughed. And Alyssa showed her the ring.
"Aww on Valentine's Day? And man how did you guys do these invitations?" Violet asked.
"We both got stuck in a video and photo editing class in high school. That boring class paid off I guess." Alyssa chuckled.

So you're inviting the whole firehouse, intelligence, and Med to the wedding?" Antonio asked.
"Yea, you guys are really our only family and friends." Alyssa and I laughed.

After the whole announcement, Alyssa and I were at home at the kitchen island.
"So... we still need to get our dresses.. and fast.. and the bridesmaids dresses. We need to get our brothers fitted for tuxes too." Alyssa said.
"Yes.. we have everything else except basically the clothing." I said.

"How about you go with everyone next week to the wedding dress store, and I go with everyone the week after. Then the week after that, we'll find the bridesmaids dresses and the tuxes for our dads and brothers." Alyssa said.
"Alright sounds like a plan." I smiled.

"We're really gonna get married soon.." I smiled at her.
"Yea.. we are.." she smiled and gave me a kiss.

I made the wedding invitations myself and it's at the top!


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