Chapter 57

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-July 15th-
~Brielle's POV~
It's almost bedtime here at our house, we're just playing with some toys to get rid of all the energy from the twins and then we have to go to bed, Alyssa and I also have Shift tomorrow.

"Cam, throw the ball!" I laughed, the 4 of us were playing catch in the living room.
He threw the ball and I caught it.
We played for about another half hour before we started our bedtime routine.

We got them bathed, a snack before bed, and then we tucked them in.
Tomorrow is Saturday, so Addilynn and Layla will come here tomorrow to watch them.

Then I felt some pains in my back for some reason.
"Ow... what the hell..?" I winced in pain.
"Baby, are you ok?" Alyssa asked me.

"Yea just.. got a weird pain in my back... I probably just pulled a muscle or something." I said.
"If it's not better by tomorrow, you shouldn't go to work." She told me.
"No, it's probably nothing." I said.

"No my love, if it doesn't get better by the morning, I'm not letting you go to work tomorrow." She told me, with the assertiveness in her voice that she uses on the kids.
"Ok, ok... I won't." I said.

-next morning-
I woke up and the pain was still there.
"What did I do to cause this pain?" I asked Alyssa, putting a hand on my lower back.

"Listen don't come to shift, call my dad right now and tell him you can't come. Do you still want Addilynn and Layla here to help you take care of them?" Alyssa asked.

"No it's ok, I can take care of them on my own, I am their mother." I laughed, but the pain made it hard to laugh.
"Ok, call my dad and I'll call Layla." She said, leaving the room.

I called Uncle Matt:
Matt: Hey Bri, what's up?
Brielle: hey, I'm not gonna be able to come in today.
Matt: why, what's wrong?

Brielle: I went to bed with this pain in my back. And I woke up and the pain is still here. I probably just pulled a muscle or something, but I really don't want this effecting my ability today at shift. Can I call out?

Matt: yea, yea of course! Don't worry! Just take it easy!
Brielle: thanks Captain, I appreciate it.
Matt: no problem, and it's Uncle Matt haha.
Brielle: haha, ok thanks Uncle Matt.

Once I hung up, I felt some light pain in my stomach, then Alyssa came in.
"Ok so I told Layla that she and Addilynn don't need to come, and they were a little concerned, but I reassured them that you were ok. So my dad let you stay home?"
She asked.

"Yea." I said, I had my hand on my stomach where the light pain was.
"You ok my love? You're worrying me a bit. You're never usually sick." She told me, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Yea.. maybe it's my period? Maybe I'm getting it early?... I don't know. Maybe it was something I ate mixed with all the deep cleaning we did yesterday?" I asked.
"Yea maybe.. just call me if anything changes." She told me.

She got ready for shift. Then the twins came in our room.
"Mommy work?" Cameron asked.
"Yea mommy's going to shift." Alyssa said.
"Mama too?" Skylar asked me.
"No baby, Mama's gonna stay home today. Ok?" I said.
"Ok mama." She said.

"I love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow." Alyssa gave us each a kiss and left.
About 15 minutes after Alyssa left, the twins were hungry.
We went downstairs and I made them some pancakes. But my stomach was hurting and I thought it was weird.

"Maybe it's just my period coming early..?" I whispered to myself. I had my hand on my stomach.
"Mama hurt?" Skylar came over to me and tugged my my pant leg.

"No honey, mama's ok. Your breakfast will be done in a few minutes." I told her.
She went back to the living room and I finished up breakfast for them.

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