Chapter 52

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~Brielle's POV~
The twins are 7 months old now. It insane how fast they are growing up. Today we're going to the cabin with our parents and all our siblings for the weekend. There's about 2 weeks until Addilynn, Layla, Jaxson, Greyson, and Oliver go back to Jersey and Utah for college. Oakley, Madison, and Mason are going into 11th grade, so they start in a week.

I was packing the twin's bag.
"Ok so... I got you each like 7 outfits... got your pacifiers, bottles, my breast pump... toys... what else am I forgetting...?" I said.
"Diapers? Wipes?" Alyssa asked.

"Oh my god yea!" I laughed. I went to the closet and got some diapers and a pack of wipes.
"Did you pack the diaper bag?" I asked Alyssa.
"Yea, all that's done, got the pack and play in the trunk, the diaper bag in the backseat, the car seats in the car, and I know there's food there, but I brought cut up fruit and yogurts for them too." Alyssa said.

"You are the best." I smiled.
"Just doing my job." She laughed.
"Ok so, need blankets for you two and that's really it." I said. I got blankets for them.
We all got officially ready and now went to the car.
"Lord please let this ride go smoothly." I laughed as we got in the car.
"Amen." Alyssa laughed.

We've taken them on road trips up to the cabin before when they were like 3-5 months old. But now they're getting older and more aware of their surroundings.
"It's so crazy how big they are." I laughed, looking at them in the back seats, we can't really see them because their car seats face the back, but it's just insane.

"Yea I know, they'll be one in just 5 months, which means you'll be back to work in like 6-7 months." Alyssa smiled.
"Yea, Im excited to work, but also sad to leave them." I said.

"Yea that will suck that they won't be with you anymore. But they'll be at daycare." She told me.
"Yea you're right." I said. We got them in this daycare last week, but they'll start going once they are about a little over a year old. I'm not going back to work until the twins are about 13-14 months old. Just a little after they turn 1 year old.

-1 hour late-
We've been driving for an hour now. The babies have been napping for about 45 mins.
"Mamamama." I heard Skylar babbling in the back.
I guess she woke up. I turned around and saw Cameron was still trying to sleep, but he was starting to wake up from his sister babbling.

"Shh Sky, go back to sleep." I said, her car seat is behind my seat, so I turned around and stroked her hair to get her to fall back asleep.
She fell back asleep after about 5 minutes.

We had about an hour left of the car drive.
Alyssa had headphones listening to music as she drove. I was just on my phone, but then I noticed she was driving pretty fast.
"Baby, slow down a bit, you're going like almost 95 in a 65... and you have your kids in the car." I said, nudging her.
"What?" She said, taking her earphones out.

"Look how fast you're going, slow down." I said, pointing to the speedometer.
"Oh my god... I'm sorry, I didn't realize." She said.
"It's fine, I was just getting worried, we have these two in the car." I chuckled.

Then all of a sudden a police car came up behind us. We drove for about a min. If a police car is behind you, just keep driving and get out of the way, when they start the lights and sirens, that's when you pull over.

"Oh my god..." I groaned, watching the police car behind us.
"I'm sorry... man I didn't even realize how fast I was going..." Alyssa said.
"I just hope we don't get pulled over, once those loud lights come on, they will wake up and freak out. They hate sirens.." I said. Whenever the babies and I go visit the firehouse, the sirens terrify them.

Then all of a sudden the cop turned on the nights and sirens. The babies started crying.
"Dang it..." I groaned, putting my head in my hands.
Both Sky and Cam were now crying.
We pulled over, I took off my seatbelt and turned over to the backseat, trying to get the twins calm.

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