Chapter 72

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~Brielle's POV~
-one week later-
Today I'm switching over to ambo and I'm 16 weeks now. We told Skylar and Cameron that I'm pregnant, now anytime they see me, they point to my stomach and say, "baby?" Like at least 20 times a day. It's honestly really cute, and they are excited about having a little baby.

I was making breakfast for Skylar and Cameron in the kitchen while Alyssa was getting them ready upstairs.
"Good morning mama." Cameron came downstairs.

"Morning sunshine." I smiled at him.
"Baby?" He asked, putting his little hand on my stomach.
"Yea that's your baby sibling." I smiled at him.

"I'm hungry." He said.
"Ok, look here's your breakfast. Where's Mommy and Skylar?" I asked.
"Upstairs." He said.
I wondered what was taking them so long.
"Here honey, eat quickly ok?" I told him.
"Yes mama." He said, and started eating.

I went upstairs.
"Skylar! Come on you have to get dressed!" I heard Alyssa slightly yell. Alyssa honestly never yells at the kids. She raises her voice sometimes but she usually doesn't yell or scream at them. The only time I've actually seen her scream was that night we fought about doing IVF a couple months back.
"What's going on in here?" I asked.

"She isn't getting dressed and I'm at the end of my rope." Alyssa sighed.
"Skylar Dawson, get dressed right now." I raised my voice at her.
"No!" She laughed.

"Skylar.. you either get dressed right now, or you won't see Jaxson later." I told her. Jaxson is supposed to pick up Skylar and Cameron today and then bring them back here to the house and be with them until tomorrow morning when we come back home.

"No Jackie?" She asked me.
"If you don't get dressed and listen to Mommy, Jaxson will not pick you up." I told her.
"Ok Mama..." she said.
"Say sorry to Mommy." I told her.
"Sorry mommy..." she told Alyssa.
"It's ok honey... just get dressed." Alyssa said.

I stayed with Skylar to finish getting her ready and to make sure she eats breakfast while Alyssa was with Cameron.

"Bye you guys! We love you!" We told them.
"Baby?" Skylar asked me, putting her little hand in the bottom of my stomach.
"Yes princess. I love you." I told her.

We dropped off the kids and drove to shift.
"Today we start the same unit..." I smiled.
"Yea... I feel like we didn't see each other all morning... I'm sorry." She told me and gave me a kiss at a red light.

"No it's ok. I saw Skylar stressed you out." I laughed.
"Hey little bug. How you doing?" Alyssa put her hand on my stomach.

"I think the baby knows your touch." I smiled.
"What makes you say that?" She laughed.
"Because whenever you talk to them or touch my belly I can feel small little kicks." I smiled.
"You know your mommy's touch?" Alyssa talked to the baby.

Then I felt a little kick.
"Yea they do." I laughed. Trying to move her hand to somehow feel the baby's light kicking.

We got to the firehouse and Alyssa and I made sure we were the first ones in briefing and we sat in the very front. I had my ambo jacket on and Alyssa had a sonogram photo in her jacket pocket.
"You excited to tell everyone?" She whispered to me.
I smiled and nodded.

Then briefing started.
"Ok everyone. So starting today, there's gonna be a small change in the firehouse..." Uncle Matt said and looked at us.
"Well... what is it?" Herrmann asked.

"Brielle... is going to switch over to ambo, but then she's going to be leaving us possibly very soon..." he told me.

Everyone was confused and got a little worried.
"What? What do you mean she's leaving?" Everyone asked.

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