Chapter 60

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~Dr. Marcel's POV~
"Just.. come to her room.." April told me.
I was confused. I followed April into Brielle's room.
"What's going on Nurse Sexton?" I asked her.

"She has a pulse, and she's breathing..." she told me.
I took at her completely in disbelief.
I felt Brielle's pulse, she had a super faint one. And then I saw to see if she was breathing. She was.

"Get her on the monitors." I told her.
April quickly got her on the monitors.
"BP is 90/60... O2 is at 90... sats at 89." She said.
"Oh my god..." I said.

~Alyssa's POV~
All of us were in the family room, crying, trying to make some jokes. But we're all just so devastated.

"Mommy? When's Mama coming back?" Skylar tugged my on jacket.
I looked at her and stroked her hair, Layla was on the other side of me. She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me in.

"Shh... it's ok... it's ok... she's not in pain anymore..." she whispered.
"Mommy? Where's Mama?" Skylar asked again.
"Mama's sleeping..." I told her, sniffling.

"Mommy no cry..." Skylar told me, wiping my tears. I giggled and picked her up and laid her on my lap and hugged her.
Brielle's parents and siblings were all upset too.

Then the door opened.
"Um, hi everyone.. so we have some news.." Dr. Marcel came in.
"What's wrong?" I jumped up.
"So... we don't know what happened, but we went to go check on Brielle before sending her down to pathology... and, she has a pulse, and she's breathing.." he said.

We all looked at each other.
"What...? But... she didn't have one... before... she flatlined.." I said.
"Yes we know... it's honestly a miracle, we've never seen this happen before." he said.
"Can I go see her?" I asked.

"Yea of course." He said.
"Can you guys just.. watch them? And.. can you two come?" I asked Aunt Stella and Uncle Kelly.

We went to Brielle's room. April was in there, giving her meds.
"Good news, we got her stats back up." She smiled.
I looked at my wife and was still tearing up. I could feel Aunt Stella's hand on my shoulder.

I sat next to Brielle's bed and held her hand.
"Um... what about her kidneys?" I asked Dr. Marcel.
"We still need to take her up to surgery to remove the tumor, but it seems her inflamed kidney has gone down a little bit... we just wanna see if she will wake up, just to check her brain function real quick, we don't know how long she was without oxygen." He told me.

I looked back down at Brielle and nodded.
"We'll let you guys have some time with her." He told us.
They both left Aunt Stella, Uncle Kelly and I in the room.
"This is just...." I said, and couldn't finish my sentence.
"Yea.. I know honey... just... so much emotion..." Aunt Stella rubbed my shoulder and told me.

After about 15 minutes Brielle started to wake up.
"Hi my love... Hi..." I whispered and stroked her hair.
She slowly opened her eyes, but then shut them again.
"Hey sweetheart, it's me..." Aunt Stella whispered to Brielle.

Brielle opened her eyes again, but she was so groggy.
"Hey my love... hey... I'm here my love.." I smiled at her. She squeezed my hand.
"How you feeling princess?" Uncle Kelly asked her.
She slowly nodded her head to say she was ok.

She laid down for a few minutes.
"Do you know us?" Aunt Stella asked her.
She nodded her head again.
She tried to talk, but she was too exhausted to talk.
"Shh... don't talk my love... just stay awake..." I said.

After a few, she tried to talk again.
"Did... they.... Do... the... surgery?" She asked.
"No... they haven't... my love, you were declared dead for over 3 hours... we all thought you were gone.." I said.

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