Chapter 18

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~Brielle's POV~
It's now Mid-October.
1 month since the stair incident. 3 weeks since we saw Jared. And 1 and a half months since that attack. I'm still on all my meds and the boot and crutches, but I feel fine now. Yesterday I actually tried to not take my meds. And the only ones that I need to take are pain ones for my foot. But I have a strong feeling I'll finally get rid of the crutches today.

Today we go to Med to see if I'm officially healed or not from everything.
I was in my room getting ready.
Alyssa was already ready because she had to go run an errand earlier today. She was in my room as I was doing my hair.

"Hey, did you ever set a date with that girl your talking to?" Alyssa asked me.
I started talking to this girl about 2 weeks ago.
"No because I don't want to go to a date in crutches. I'm lucky that the only thing left is my stupid foot. I think." I said.

"What's her name anyway?" Alyssa asked me.
"Bianca. She's 19 and lived in Chicago her whole life. And she actually went to the same high school as us." I explained.
"Oh really? What's her last name?" Alyssa asked.
"Grissom." I said.

"Oh I think I knew her. Yea she was in my chemistry class. She had to retake a chem class her Senior year. But since she graduated a year before us, I never saw her again after that. Let me see a photo of her." Alyssa said.
I showed her a photo.

"Oh wow. She had a glow up. I can tell it's still the same girl from that class. But she had a glow up. Dang." She said.
"I never saw her throughout high school. But we've been talking for a little over 2 weeks. She's really nice." I said.

"Well if all goes well today, you could probably schedule that date soon." Alyssa said.
"Yea, but I probably still have to be in this boot and crutches for a week or two more. It's only been 6 weeks after that stair incident, Dr. Manning told me that I have to keep this on for an extra 2 weeks." I said.
"You never know. Maybe you'll get lucky for once." Al laughed.
"Hopefully." I laughed. Crossing my fingers.

"Are your parents coming?" She asked.
"No they're on shift. And technically I don't need them to come anymore to come to appointments. I'm 18." I said.
"Ok, oh we have to head out now." Alyssa said, looking at the time.

I finished getting ready and we were out the door.
"You think they would let me burn this boot and crutches?" I laughed as we were driving to Med.
"I don't think so." Alyssa laughed. "But I think they'll let you keep them."

We got to Med.
"Hey Maggie, I have a follow up with Mr. Manning and Dr. Abrams." I said.
"Ok, go to bay 4 I'll get them in there for you." She told me.

We got to the room and waited.
"I'm so excited, hope I'm done with everything." I said.
"Yea, hopefully you don't have to take those meds anymore." Alyssa laughed.

"I know. I feel fine. All the bruises have almost completely faded. And all the lacerations have healed, they're just scars now. My head from where I fell down the stairs is healed up. And my ribs are good. The only thing that still hurts is my foot, but I think it's just a little soreness maybe." I said.

"Does Bianca know about anything that happened?" Alyssa asked.
"Nothing. She doesn't know anything. I don't really need to tell her." I said.

"Hey you guys! How've you been? Haven't seen either of you in the ER for an injury since that stair thing so that's good!" Natalie laughed as she came in with Dr. Abrams.
"Hey! I'm just ready to see if I can finally be off my meds, this boot, and crutches." I laughed.

"Well...We need to check your head first." Dr. Abrams said.
"We'll send you up for a CT of your head and we'll get your foot too just to kill two birds with one stone." Dr. Manning said.

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