Chapter 10

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~Stella's POV~
It's been 3 days since Brielle's incident.
She had to stay an extra day at the hospital because of her dizzy spells. We were worried that it was damage from the attack, but it's just a side effect.

We go home in about one hour. Nat is just showing and helping Brielle to use her crutches.
"Ok Brielle, ready to retry this for hopefully the last time?" Natalie laughed as she walked in with the crutches.
"God yes. I want to go home already." She said. Poor girl looked exhausted. She was all banged up.

"Hopefully this will be the last attempt." Alyssa laughed.  Alyssa has been by Brielle's side this whole time. It was great how strong their friendship is.
Gabby and Casey are at our house will all the kids. What Bri doesn't know is that they planned a little "welcome home" party for her.

Kelly helped Brielle sit up on her bed. Brielle looked a little dizzy.
"You dizzy?" Kelly asked her.
"Yea just... got up too fast I think.." she said, she put her hand on her forehead.
"Are you nauseous?" Nat asked her.
"I-.. yea a little." Brielle said.
"I'll get you something for that. Just hang tight." And Nat walked out of the room.

After she got the meds and they had time to work, she got off of the bed and got the crutches.
"Ok so, you use your good foot, the left one, as support while your right one is always bent backwards. And you move both crutches as the same time." Nat explained. It took Brielle a few tries, but she finally got it down.

"Haha finally! I'm so proud of you!" I said. And hugged her.
"Thank God! I never thought I would get it!" She laughed.

After an hour, Nat came in to do one finally check on Brielle before discharging her.
"Ok, so I just need to do one quick check up before I can let you leave." Nat told Brielle.
"Ok. Let's do it." Brielle said.

"So follow the light.." Nat told Brielle.
Brielle did so.
"Let me check your bandages." Nat wanted to change Brielle's bandages. She has bandages on her arms and legs. And bandaids on her face.
Nat changed Brielle's bandages and bandaids.

Nat finished up and got Brielle's discharged papers. Kelly and I filled them out and then Nat came back before we left.
"Here are her prescriptions. One for the dizziness, and one for the pain. And this one is if her nausea comes back. If her foot pain worsens, come back, and same for her head. And the dizziness." Nat explained.
"Ok thanks, we'll go to the pharmacy right now." I said.
"Brielle, don't be walking around too much, for your foot and these dizzy spells. Don't be up too much, try to sit and lie down as much as you can." Nat told her. I knew Brielle wouldn't like this. She hates sitting around doing nothing.
"Gotcha." Brielle said.

Brielle changed out of the hospital gown and into some sweats we brought her from home.
We went down to the car and got Brielle in the car. Alyssa was in the back with her, Kelly was driving, and I was in the passenger seat.

~Brielle's POV~
I was so excited to go home, but also just extremely exhausted from these past couple days.
"Alright, we're gonna go to the pharmacy first, then we'll go home ok?" My mom said.
"Alright. Sounds good." I said.

We got to the pharmacy, both my parents went inside so it was just Alyssa and I in the car.
"Are you tired?" Alyssa asked me.
"Yea kinda.. hospital beds aren't the comfiest." I laughed.

"Here look." She said. She helped me reposition and got me to elevate my foot on the seat, with a blanket on my body, and I was leaning on her.
"You're the bestest friend ever." I smiled at her.
"Just doing what I do best." She chuckled.

"Hey. We still planning to see that house next week?" I asked her.
"Only if you're up for it. If you don't feel good by then. I'll reschedule." She told me.
"Ok... man how will our parents react?" I asked.

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