Chapter 36

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~Brielle's POV~
-next day-
I woke up and saw Alyssa awake, sitting up on the bed on her phone.
"Good morning sleepyhead." She smiled.
"Morning my love.. what time is it?" I asked.

"10am." She said.
"Babe why did you let me sleep so late?" I laughed.
"Because I know you didn't get much sleep, I felt you tossing and turning, and getting up to go to the bathroom." She said, and gave me a kiss.

We went downstairs and saw the box with the OFI files.
"I totally forgot that I went to OFI yesterday." I laughed when I saw the box.

"What is my son and wife hungry for?" Alyssa asked.
"We don't know the gender yet babe." I laughed.
"Well I think it's a boy." She laughed.
"Do you have a name if it's a boy, cuz I have one if it's a girl." I said.

"I was thinking of maybe... Cameron. Cameron Matthew Severide." She said.
"I like that name, after you dad." I smiled.
"What's your name for a girl?" She asked me.
"I was thinking about Kayla, Kayla Stella Severide. After my mom." I smiled.

"That's cute babe." She smiled at me.
"So.. what should we eat?" I asked.
"What do you want?" She asked me.
"Cereal?" I asked.
We ate and then we were looking at the files.

"I think we've really looked at everything we could.." Alyssa said after 1 hour of looking at them.
"Yea I think so too.. we just have to find out where this guy lives or where he is now..." I said, looking at the photo of him.

"Well, we can give his photo to the CPD, maybe they can find him?" She suggested.
"Yea sure. And we can return the files back to OFI too." I said.

We got ready and went over to the district.
"Hey you two, what do you want?" Trudy asked us.
"Can we just give you a photo of this guy? Maybe you can have a few officers keep a lookout for him?" I asked.

"What's this for?" She asked.
"I'm working on an OFI case. And we have all the pieces of the puzzle solved, except where this guy is." I explained.

Trudy got a copy of the photo.
"I'll assign some officers." She told us.
"Thanks Sarge." Alyssa said.

We walked back to the car.
"Oof.. that was weird.." I said, putting my hand on my stomach as we got in the car.
"What was?" Alyssa asked me.

"It was just.. like a weird cramp. Nothing I've had before.." I said.
"It's probably nothing, you're 18 weeks pregnant, almost 19, it's usual to have some slight cramping or discomfort." She told me.

"Oh yea, you're right.. just didn't expect it I guess.." I said.
"Should we head over to OFI now?" She asked.
"Yea, we have shift tomorrow, so we have to." I said.

We went to OFI and brought in the files.
"Brielle, what are you doing here?" Seager asked when she saw me.

"Just returning the files. There wasn't much to review. But we just stopped by the 21st district and gave a copy of a photo of the guy to the police station. Maybe they could help us track this guy down faster." I said.
"Good work. I can take those files. Will you be able to come here and work tomorrow?" Seager asked me.

"No we're on shift tomorrow. But it seems like you guys have this whole case figured out, we just need to find the guy." I said.
"Ok, have a good day." Seager said.
"You too." Alyssa and I said.

We went home and decided to watch a movie.
Alyssa and I decided on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
My hormones decided to act up and by the end of the movie, I was a wreck.

"Why did Cedric have to die?" I cried.
"Baby come here..." Alyssa laughed and wrapped her arms around me.
"Why did he die? He was so young!" I cried. I was just a complete mess.

"Babe... babe look.. it's just hormones.. it's ok.. it's just a movie.." she said. Picking up my chin.
"Yea.. it is just a movie.." I said, calming down, wiping my tears.

-next day-
I woke up extremely queasy.
"Hey, are you ok?" Alyssa asked me, sitting up next to me.
"I finally think my nausea has stopped and it hits me like a train today..." I said, I had my head in hands.
"Here..." she said giving me some gummy's my mom got me that helped her with her nausea when she was pregnant.

I ate some gummies and we got ready for shift.
I'm the car I was still nauseous.
"Can you please give me something from the ambo?" I asked Alyssa.

"Babe I can take you home. You don't have to work today if you don't feel like you can." She told me.
"No I want to work.. I just need something to stop this nausea.." I said.

We got to the firehouse and went straight to the ambo, Alyssa gave me something for the nausea, then we went to briefing.
After that, we went to the common room.
"Hey, let's go do a quick inventory of the ambo ok?" Violet told Alyssa and I.

"Yea sure." I said.
We did a quick inventory check.
Squad 3 person in distress 67 lakefront Ave

After Squad left, my mom and Herrmann ordered Truck and Engine to do drills.
Alyssa and I went to the bunk room.
"I keep having these cramps.." I told Alyssa.

"What do they feel like? A stabbing? A poking?" She asked me.
"It kinda just feels like someone is just poking me in the stomach with their finger. They hurt a little bit, but mainly just uncomfortable." I explained.

"It's ok baby, it's totally normal... don't worry.." Alyssa took my hands and smiled at me.
"Just.. afraid of something going wrong..." I said.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong." She smiled and gave me a kiss. "Right little man?" She put her hand on my stomach.
"You mean little girl." I laughed.
"No I mean little man." She laughed back.

We went back out to the common room, Violet was there.
"Hey, did you guys ever find out the gender yet?" She asked.
"No, we find out in like 2 weeks." I said.

-few hours later-
Ambo 61 person injured 84 blade drive

We went to the call.
"Fire department, paramedics." Violet knocked on the door.
Some guy opened the door.
"Hey sir, did you get hurt?" Alyssa asked, he had a bloody rag on his hand.

He nodded and pulled the rag off. He cut off a part of his finger.
"Sir.... What were you doing?" I asked him.
"I was cooking lunch and I was watching something as I was chopping and somehow just... cut off a part of my finger." He said.

"Do you have the other piece?" Alyssa asked him.
"Yes, I put it in the freezer, I watch a lot of medical shows." He laughed.
"That's right, the hospital might be able to connect it back on." Violet laughed.

We got the guy bandaged up and to med.
We went back to the firehouse.

-few more hours later-
It was now about 5pm. I was with Alyssa in the bunk room, all the vehicles were out on a call, besides ambo.

I kept those those cramps.
"Baby these won't stop..." I said, with my hand on my stomach.
"Are you sure it's not the baby kicking?" She asked me.

I shook my head.
"I don't think so... it just feels like...." I started to say.
All of a sudden I got hit with a huge wave of nausea.
I ran to the bathroom, Alyssa quickly followed.

I threw up and put my head in my hands.
"Uh... babe?" Alyssa asked me, her voice sounded worried.
"Yea?" I asked looking at her.

She looked down at the toilet. I looked down as well. I threw up blood. I spit into the toilet and more blood came out.

I looked at Alyssa with tears in my eyes.
"What's happening?" I asked. All of a sudden I got sharp and stabbing pains in my stomach. I was squeezing Alyssa's hand.

"Babe what's wrong?" Alyssa asked me super worried.
"Something's wrong..." I groaned.


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