Chapter 77

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-Life Update-
Brielle and Alyssa are 25
Addilynn and Layla are 23
Jaxson, Greyson, and Oliver are 21
Oakley, Madison, and Mason are 19
Skylar and Cameron are 3

Addilynn and Layla are now living separately. They now each live in apartments with their boyfriends in Chicago.
Addilynn's Boyfriend is Lucas(24).
Layla's boyfriend is Anthony(24).

Greyson moved to California.
Oliver moved to Florida.
Jaxson now lives with his girlfriend, Mackenzie (21) in an apartment in Chicago.
Oakley, Madison, and Mason are in Pennsylvania for College.

~Brielle's POV~
-Brielle is 25 weeks-
-middle of June-
"Cameron, Skylar! Come say hi to Oakley and Madison!" I yelled out.
Alyssa and I got a FaceTime call from Oakley and Madison. We're at home right now.
They came downstairs to the living room where we were.

"Hey you guys!" Oakley and Madison said.
"Hi!" Skylar and Cameron both said.
"Where's Mason?" Alyssa asked.
"He's in his.... Math class, I think." Madison said.

"How's college been for you guys?" I asked.
"Fun." Oakley said.
"Yea, at parties." Madison laughed.
"Guys..." Alyssa laughed.
"Kidding kidding. But yea, it's been good." Madison said.

"What are you guys doing?" Oakley asked us.
"Nat wanted to make an appointment for 25 weeks. So we're heading over in like an hour. The appointment's at 2. And its 12:30." I said.

"Ok, let us know how the appointment goes.. Oh, Oaks don't you have class in like 10 mins?" Madison asked her.
"Oh my god and it's like a 20 min walk!" Oakley ran out of their dorm.

"Be careful!" Madison laughed as Oakley ran out.
"That girl would forget her head if it wasn't attached to her." I laughed.
"Yes she would." Madison laughed.

"Mads, you don't have class now?" Alyssa asked.
"No, I don't have anymore classes for the day. But I do have like 2 essays due tomorrow." Madison laughed.

"Well, go do them. We'll let you guys know how the appointment goes probably tomorrow. We'll call you." I laughed.
"Ok, love you guys." Madison laughed.

"Love you too, say bye Maddie!" I told the twins.
"Bye Maddie!" They said.
"Love you guys." Madison laughed, then hung up.

We hung up with Madison and Skylar and Cameron went back upstairs.
"We should really go to IKEA and get baby M's nursery started." I laughed.
Baby M only has like 15 weeks left. And that's if they don't come early.

"Yea, after the appointment we can head over." Alyssa told me. She smiled and looked down at my stomach.
"Hey M... how you doing in there?" Alyssa smiled.
All of a sudden I felt Baby M kick me super hard in the ribs.
"Ok, you're done talking." I laughed at Alyssa.

When it was time, we got ready and headed to the appointment. I was so tired.
"My love, you ok?" Alyssa asked me as I was practically passing out in the car on the way to Med.
"Yea... just super tired.." I said.

We got to Med and had to wait in the waiting room for my name to be called. I fell asleep in the waiting room, leaning on Alyssa.
"My love, are you ok? What's wrong?" Alyssa was worried.
"It's ok baby. I'm just tired..." I reassured her.

We got called back.
"Hey you guys. How we doing?" Natalie asked.
"Exhausted." I laughed.
"Well, you know the routine, let's get labs done and then we will check the baby and recheck symptoms." She told us.

We got all the labs done.
"Ok.. labs look good. Let's check the baby." She told us.
She waved the wand around my stomach.
"Ok.. baby's measuring a little bit small... but that's ok.. but everything else is good." She said.
"That's good." Alyssa smiled.

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