Chapter 24

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~Brielle's POV~
"Sylvie and I will be moving to Puerto Rico to help everyone that was effected by the hurricane that just hit.. we leave next Friday." Antonio said.

Everyone stood there stunned for a second, then cheered.
"Man we'll miss you guys!" Uncle Matt yelled out.
Everyone cheered and congratulated them.

My mom, Aunt Gabby, Aunt Sylvie, Alyssa, and I were all at the bar.
"When did you guys decide this?" Aunt Gabby asked Aunt Sylvie.

"We didn't really. Chief Hawkins asked if I would like to join the program that they're doing like last week. I thought about it. Told Antonio about it, and he thought it would be nice to help them. So we'll be there for a bit." Aunt Sylvie explained.

"How long is a bit?" My mom asked.
"That's the tricky part.. they first told us a month, next one month turned into 6, then 6 turned 10, then that turned to a year.. and then it kinda turned into a permanent thing...and they haven't told us much after that. Just that we need to get over there by next Friday the latest." Aunt Sylvie explained.
"Permanent? You guys are leaving for good?" I asked her.

"Yea..." she said.
"Do you know who is gonna be replacing you?" Alyssa asked.
"Yea. Violet is actually going to become the new PIC." She told us.
"Ohh that's cool." I said.
It was 1:30am on Thursday. And they leave next Friday, which is basically a week from tomorrow.
"Man we'll miss you Aunt Sylvie." Alyssa said.

It was finally closing time. We closed the bar, cleaned up, and did everything we have to do for our closing routine.

-One Week Later-
We worked a shift at Molly's last night and Alyssa and I had to stay later than usual because our parents have shift today, so they had to leave early. So we were in charge of all the closing and didn't get home until 3am.

Once Alyssa and I finally got home at a quarter after 3am, we were exhausted. We both just knocked out on the couch and got woken up by both our phones ringing at 6am and it was our moms.

Brielle: yes...?
Stella: hey sweetheart! Since it's your Aunt's last day, the whole firehouse is going to surprise her with a little goodbye surprise party.
Brielle: I- uh... ok... we'll head over there now..
Stella: what's wrong you guys ok?

Brielle: yea we're fine... we didn't get home until like 3:15 and it's..6am.. so we're both just kind of exhausted...
Stella: ok. You guys can leave right after the little surprise ok?
Brielle: ok see you soon...

I hung up the phone and saw Alyssa awake, on the phone with Aunt Gabby.
"Ok mom... yea- yea we'll be there..." she said before she hung up. She threw her phone at the ottoman and turned around and went back to sleep.
"I'll make some coffee..." I said, exhausted.
"Make it strong." I heard Alyssa mumble.

I made the coffee with 3 times the amount of grounds I usually use. And once it was done I gave one cup to Alyssa.
"Drink the coffee. We have to get ready." I said.
I went to my room to got ready.

It was hot today, so I got dressed in a skirt and paired with a t-shirt that I tucked into the skirt, and some sneakers. I did my hair in a half up, half down style. And did my makeup.

I looked in my closet for one of my purses and felt Alyssa hug me from behind.
"I'm so tired..." She said.
"Yea but don't worry.. we'll come home after spending a bit there.." I turned around and hugged her.

We got to the firehouse at 8am and went inside.
We could hear everyone in the locker rooms, so we stayed out in the common room.
Alyssa and I were sitting at the big table in the common room. Just on our phones.
"Hello you two." We heard a voice. We looked up and saw Chief Boden there.
"Hey Chief! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I heard that today was Brett's last day, so I wanted to congratulate her. Oh and both of you as well. Congrats on graduating the academy." He told us.
"Thanks Chief, yea we'll really miss Aunt Sylvie. But at least she's gonna be helping a lot more people." Alyssa said.
"That she is." He said.

"Alright everyone Briefing time!" We heard Uncle Matt yell out.
Alyssa and I went to the briefing room and stood in the back of the room.
Aunt Sylvie saw us and went over.

"Hey you two!" She hugged us.
"Hey! I can't believe today is your last day! When do you and Antonio leave?" I asked.
"We leave tomorrow morning at noon! Everything is already packed and everything." She told us.

Then briefing started.
"Ok everyone. As we all know. Today is Brett's last day. So let's give her a little round of applause." Uncle Matt said.
We all cheered.
"However..." he continued. "This isn't her going away party. That was last shift..."

Alyssa and I were both confused.
"Wait so.. why are we here?" Alyssa whispered to me.
"So.. as we know.. since Brett is leaving.. Violet will now become the new PIC." Uncle Matt kept talking.

"Can he hurry this up..?" Alyssa whispered and leaned her head on my shoulder.
I laughed under my breath and shushed her.
I almost kissed her on the top of her head, but I remembered we were in the firehouse.

"So... the real reason why we had this meeting today wasn't necessarily for Brett. Brielle, Alyssa, can you to come sit here?" Uncle Matt said. He pointed to two empty seats in front of him.

We were confused, but followed his orders.
"Alyssa, Brielle. So we all know you guys graduated from the fire academy 2 months ago. But you guys haven't been able to get into a house that had both a truck and ambo spot available... well we found you girls one." He said.

"What? Which house?" Alyssa asked.
" that Brett is leaving, there is a spot open on ambo, and we can fit another person on truck, so you two got those spots. You're officially members of 51. We got all the paperwork signed a couple days ago." He smiled at us.

I looked over at my parents and they were smiling.
"Please don't say this is a prank..." I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"No it's real.. welcome to 51 candidate." My mom said.
"Welcome on ambo Alyssa." Violet said.

Everyone cheered.
Alyssa and I hugged each other then everyone hugged us. We couldn't really believe it.
"Oh my god! Our dreams are here! We did it!" Alyssa laughed.

"Wait how did this happen? The CFD said we couldn't work in 51 because you guys work here." I said.
"I might've pulled some strings..." Chief Boden said.

Then the bells went off and they all got sent out to a call.
Alyssa and I were in happy tears about all of this.
"We're doing it babe.. everything is coming true just like we've always wanted!" I said.
"I know it is!" She said.

We kissed each other and I wiped the tears off Alyssa's face.
"I'm so proud of you baby..." I smiled as I looked into Alyssa's gorgeous big brown eyes.
"I'm proud of you.." she smiled at me.

Hey guys! Wow I can't believe I posted 3 chapters in a day! Haven't done that since the summer! 😂 but yea! I really hope you liked this chapter and join me for this crazy adventure in the next chapter of Alyssa and Brielle's lives!
Next chapter should I skip a few more months where they've been working for a bit, or should I show their first day at 51?


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