Chapter 6

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~Stella's POV~
Kelly, Antonio, Casey, Gabby, Ruzeck, Vanmeeter, Seager, and I were all in the van, listening to Brielle's wire.
We could hear them fighting.
"He has a knife..." I heard Brielle say.
Once I heard those words, we all looked at each other. Fear over all our faces.

"Sarge, get to them fast, Jensen has a knife." Antonio said into his radio.
"Bri, where are you?" I said so she could hear me in the earpiece.
"Back room, panic room." I heard her say.

There is a room in the back of the bar. With a steel door that is impossible to break down. Since the building is really old, that was out there incase of a fire. And you couldn't get out, you go to that room because the fire wouldn't get there.

"Voight! They're in a back room. The door is thick steel. I don't care what you do, just get my baby out of there!" I took Antonio's radio and told Voight.

~Brielle's POV~
The room we were in was a bunker room. The whole room is made of steel, steel walls, 2 steel doors. The one that has access to the bar, and the one that has access outside. And one window.

I saw Jared grab the knife and panic instantly set over my body.

Once he heard me talk to the earpiece, he tried to take it from me.
"Give that stuff!" He tried to lunge for me.
I ran away from him, but there was no way to escape.

"Come on J. I swear I didn't know you were the one who set the store on fire. We were using you to get to your father." I said.
There was no where for me to run. The room was only 100 square feet.

It was like a cat and mouse game with him. Running around the room.
I found some alcohol bottles. I threw one at him, it hit his arm, he was down for a second. I went over and was about to throw another bottle over his head. Then he got up and grabbed me.

"Gotcha now bitch." He laughed.
He took the knife and grazed it around my body.
He got his arm around my neck. Making it hard to breathe.
"Let's see how you can talk to your precious team now." He laughed.
I was loosing air quickly.
"Bri mule kick him in his legs!" I heard my dad yell.
I didn't think I had enough energy.

I mule kicked him in his legs. And was able to get away from his grasp. I fell forwards to the floor, and he fell backwards. He was groaning and cursing in pain.
I was coughing and trying to catch my breath.

I could hear Voight and Olinsky try to get in. I tried to run to the door to open it and run out.
All of a sudden, Jared got to his feet and tackled me
down. He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes and smiled.
"You know... I actually liked you. I always thought one day we would be happy together... but now.. I'll be happy, watching you bleed out and watch the light leave your eyes..." he said.
He took the knife and made a quick slice on my cheek.
I winced in pain and tears were streaming down my face.

Then he held me down and made more cuts on my arms and legs. After every cut, he would squeeze the area so I could bleed more. I could see the marks that his hands made on arms and legs.

I felt weak. I couldn't do anything. All I could feel is the cuts on my body and the hot tears running down my face. I felt the stinging pain all over my body.
Then he got a bag and duct tape.

He taped the bag over my head. And taped my arms behind my back. I could feel myself slowing loosing air and I could feel the Carbon Dioxide take over my body. This is it... this is how I'm gonna die...

~Stella's POV~
I could hear what Jared was doing to Brielle. I was crying.
Then we heard something.
Jared got a bag and taped it over Brielle's head. She only had about 30 seconds before we loose her.
"Sarge we're loosing her! He taped a bag over her head!" Ruzeck said.
Casey called an Ambulance.

~Erin's POV~
"You, me, let's go." I told Jay.
We went inside and Voight and Olinsky were struggling to get the door open. We finally got the door open after 5 minutes. We saw Jared there, and Brielle was unconscious with the bag over her head.

Olinsky tackled him to the ground. I quickly ran over to Brielle. I took on the bag off her head. I felt her pulse. She didn't have one. Then everyone else ran in.

~Stella's POV~
We ran inside. We saw Voight and Olinsky getting Jared in cuffs. Kelly went up to Jared.
"You know she didn't want you to go to jail. She tried to fight with us... but now, go rot in jail. I hope you never see your family again." Kelly spat at him.

We ran to find Brielle.
She has so many cuts on her. And she was unconscious. She didn't have a pulse and wasn't breathing. I started compressions on her.
"Come on... come on..." I said, tears streaming down my face. I can't loose my baby. Gabby came over with napkins, trying to stop the bleeding from all the cuts Jared made. I looked at Brielle's face, her lips were turning blue.

Then an ambulance came.
It was Brett and Violet.
"Alright she's not breathing, doesn't have a pulse, many deep lacerations all over the body." Violet said.
"Stella? What happened?" Brett asked me.
"Brett no time to talk, we have to get her to Med." Violet said.
"You guys want to ride?" Brett asked Kelly and I.
"Yea, yea, of course." Kelly said.

We got to Med.
"Brielle Severide, 18 year old female, many lacerations all over the body, bag was put over her head, loss consciousness. Intubated in ambo." Brett said as we all went in.
"Manning, Rhodes, trauma 2." Maggie said.

They got Brielle on the gurney.
"How many Epi's were given in the ambo?" Rhodes asked.
"5 doses... we were able to get a pulse, but it's like almost nothing..." Violet said.
"Her O2 is at 90... wait... 80, 75.. there's blood in her tube. She must have a bleed somewhere in her airway.
Call the OR, call for blood. Send her up!" Natalie said.

I was in Kelly's arms crying as our baby girl was being sent up to surgery.
"What even happened? Is this a suicide? Was she in a fight?" Natalie asked.
"I never should've brought her on the case.." Kelly said.
"What do you mean case?" Natalie asked.

"Ok so.. is there somewhere else we can talk?" Kelly asked. "Gabby can you come with us? And Casey, can you help please call the kids? Maybe Alyssa can drive them here?" He asked.
"Yea sure thing." Casey got his phone and walked away to make the phone call.

We went into a family lounge room. Gabby came into the room. Kelly and Natalie talked, as Gabby was comforting me as I was crying in her arms.

~Kelly's POV~
I felt like this was all my fault. It was all my fault. I decided to bring Bri in this case, but to get rid of Seager. Look where it ends up.

"Ok so... I'm working on an arson case. And I thought it would be nice to bring her with me. She loves
helping me work on these. But then, I finally decided to let her have some action. So I brought her with me and she ended up being a super big help. Long story short, she had a meet up with a friend to get info on an arson case, it went south. The guy got a knife and started making deep cuts in her arms and legs and he also taped a bag over her head..." I said.

I saw Stella in Gabby's arms, and it just killed me.
"Listen, it's ok. I really do believe that she will make it. Yes the lacerations are deep, and she did have bleeding in her airway, but I do believe she'll make a full recovery." Nat said.

We went back out to the waiting room. I had Stella in my arms.
"I'm so sorry babe... I never should've brought her with me." I whispered to her.
"It's... it's ok... she did help... I just wish it didn't end this way..." she cried.

~Stella's POV~
I was just crying. My poor baby girl. I couldn't even be mad at Kelly. She does love helping him. It just sucks that it ended this way. But at least, they found the arsonist. I guess that's one good outcome.

5 minutes later all the kids came. Alyssa was watching all of them. But Casey didn't tell them why they came.
"Hey.. um... what happened?" Alyssa asked.
"Um... Brielle... kind of got hurt.." Gabby told her.
"What? What happened? Was it because of that Arson case she was doing? I told her not to do it!" Alyssa said.
"Yea.. baby it was... I'm sorry. But Nat thinks she'll have a good outcome..." Gabby told her. Alyssa was now crying in Gabby's arms.

2 long hours later, Rhodes came back.
"Hey you guys...." He said.
"Is she ok?" I shot right up.
Rhodes didn't say anything at first, then his eyes filled up with tears.
"She... she's brain dead.."


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