Chapter 92

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-Brielle's POV~
It's the weekend. Alyssa and I aren't on shift; so we're all just hanging out.
I heard some noise coming from Skylar's room.
"Hold still!" I heard Skylar laughing.
"You're taking so long!" Cameron laughed.

I opened the door.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.
Skylar showed me she was painting Cameron's nails.
"Oh my god, what are you doing?" I laughed.
"He isn't staying still." She laughed.
"Cause we've been here for almost an hour!" He laughed.

I went back downstairs.
"What's all that noise up there?" Alyssa laughed.
"Your two oldest. Sky is painting Cam's nails and he is getting restless." I laughed.

"Those two are always doing something crazy." She laughed.
"Well, at least they aren't doing what we used to do. Sneaking out to parties and getting drunk and ending up in the hospital with Liver problems." I laughed.

"Oh yea.. man that's probably where it all started.." she told me.
"Look it's ok... we're more careful now and know not to let them do the same things we did." I told her. And gave her a kiss.

"Yea just... if we didn't go out to that party... I wonder how much different everything would be... cause I remember Jared would not leave you alone... and then you started having mores with your liver... maybe if he didn't get your number at that party..." she sighed.

"Baby it's ok... I'm ok, you're ok... it's in the past, we just have to make sure our kids don't go through the same thing or worse.." I told her, and knocked on the wood coffee table.

She gave me a kiss.
"I love you." She told me.
"I love you more." I smiled at her.
"Mama." Scarlett came into the living room.
"Hey sweetheart?" I asked her.
"I'm bored." She told me.

"Well what do you wanna do?" I asked her.
"Out of the house." She said.
"Ok, but what do you want to do out of the house?" Alyssa chuckled.
Scarlett giggled and shrugged her shoulders.

"What's Maxx doing?" I asked her.
"Playing Minecraft." She told me.
"Why don't we all go to funplex?" Alyssa asked.

"That place we always went to when we were little?" I asked her.
"Yea, they would love it. All the rides and arcade games." She told me.

We decided to go.
"Ma, can Sky and I walk around by ourselves?" Cameron asked me.
"Yea, sure, just be careful." I said.

Scarlett and Maxx were having so much fun. Scarlett and Maxx are close, but they aren't as close as Skylar and Cameron are, Skylar and Cameron are literally inseparable.

Skylar and Cameron found us about 2 hours later.
"Can and I got like 5 jackpots in this one game. Almost 10k tickets on this card." Skylar laughed.
"What? How?" Maxx asked.
"I don't even know." Cameron laughed.

We stayed at FunPlex for about 4 hours before we left.
After that, we had to go food shopping, we were driving.
"Mom, when Sky and I get our permit, will you let us drive?" Cameron asked Alyssa.
"Depends.. I'll have to see how good of a driver you guys are." Alyssa said.

We got to target.
"Ma, can Sky and I walk around?" Cameron asked me.
"We're not gonna be here long, just stay with us." I said.

Scarlett was running around the store, acting kinda crazy.
"Scarlett, can you please chill out?" I asked her.
She eventually chilled out.

"Ma... can we please go walk around for like 5 minutes?" Skylar begged me.
I looked at Alyssa.
"5 minutes, then come back here." She told them.
They went.

~Skylar's POV~
Cam and I were walking around target.
"Here Cameron, just your size." I laughed and threw him a baby outfit.
"Sky, shut up, you're literally 120 pounds." He laughed.
Cameron and I were looking at these clothes.

"This is kinda cute." I said, holding up a little cropped t-shirt.
"That looks kinda nice." Cameron told me.
"Hey Brielle." Some woman came up to me.

I've never this woman before in my life, but I guess she thought I was my mom.
"Um... excuse me?" I asked her.
"Brielle, it's me... you don't remember me? You've changed a lot." The woman asked me.

I looked at Cameron, he was just as confused as I was.
"You have a boyfriend now...? I thought you were married to that paramedic? I thought you were gay..?" The woman asked me, pointing to Cameron.

"I-..." I started to say, then Cameron stopped me.
"Yea I am her boyfriend.. and I'm sorry but we don't remember you.." Cameron told the woman. He put his arm around me and we walked away from her.

"Who was that? He knows Ma.. and I guess mom too.." I whispered to him. I guess he just pretended to be together for a second to get away from her.
"No clue, let's just go back to Mom and Ma and we'll talk to them." He whispered back to me.

~Brielle's POV~
Skylar and Cameron came back.
"Hey Ma.. some woman came up to me and started talking to me. I think she thought I was you because she kept calling me your name." Skylar told me.
"What?.." I asked her, and looked at Alyssa.

"What did she look like?" Alyssa asked them.
"She had black hair, green eyes, tan skin... and I don't remember much else." Skylar told me.
I was trying to think of someone who I knew who looked like that, and no one was matching that description.

"What did she tell you?" I asked.
"She basically said that I changed a lot and she asked if I remembered her." She told me.
I was so confused.
"Did she ask anything else?" Alyssa asked.

"She asked if Cameron was my boyfriend and she was confused because you two are obviously married." Cameron said.
"And what did you tell this woman?" I asked.
"I told this woman that I was her boyfriend, I put my arm around her and we quickly walked away from this woman." Cameron said.

All of a sudden, I saw someone walking towards us, and I knew exactly who it was.
"Hey Brielle!" The woman told me.
It was Bianca.
"Oh hey." I told her.
"How've you been?" She asked me.
"Been good." I told her.

"Oh.. I guess I saw her and thought she was you." She told me, referring to Skylar.
"Yea.." I said.
"Mama... who's that?" Scarlett pulled my hand and asked me.
"She's just an old friend of Mama's ok?" I told her.

"Are these all your kids?" Bianca asked.
"Um... yes. This is Skylar, Cameron, Maxx, and Scarlett." I told her.

We quickly left target after that whole awkward talk with Bianca.

Once we were home, we all got to bed after dinner.
Skylar and Cameron came into mine and Alyssa's room right before we went to bed.
"Hey um... who exactly was that woman?" Skylar asked us.

I looked at Alyssa.
"She was... my first girlfriend..." I said.
"Wait really?" Cameron asked.
"Yea.. things didn't work out.. and yea..." I said.

They left it at that and we all went to sleep.


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