Chapter 98

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~Brielle's POV~
Alyssa and I went to our kids. They were bruised, covered in blood, lifeless.
We were trying to find pulses on them.
"They're faint..." Alyssa said.
I was at Cameron, I had his head on my lap. My hands were now covered in his blood.

"I need 4 ambulances at 935 Parkway Ave." Erin came in and said into her radio.
I had my head by Cameron's mouth. He wasn't breathing. I looked at Alyssa who was at Skylar.
She had tears in her eyes and shook her head. They both have faint pulses, but aren't breathing.

The ambulances came and took them. I went with Skylar and Alyssa went with Cameron.
Skylar was covered in blood, her hoodie, her leggings. She had bruises everywhere, and her skin was ice-cold.

They got her to Med.
"17 year old, Skylar Severide, full body trauma, BP 70/40, GCS 2" the paramedic said.
"Rhodes, Halstead, trauma 1." Maggie said.

They cut Skylar's clothes off to see her injuries, but they wouldn't let me in the room.
"Brielle, stay out here, go out in the waiting room please. I understand this is hard." April told me.

"17 year old Cameron Severide, full body trauma, focused more on head, vitals crashed in ambo, having trouble keeping his stats up." I heard a paramedic say. I saw them bringing in Cameron. Alyssa was on top of the gurney, doing compressions on him.
"Choi, Manning, Trauma 4." Maggie said.

They got Alyssa off of Cameron and started doing compressions on him themselves.
A nurse took of out of the room. We were now in the waiting room, afraid, Our parents came in.
"Hey, what's the news on them? Do you know?" My parents asked.

I was in tears and shook my head.
"No, they took us out of the rooms..." Alyssa sniffled.
"They we're both covered in blood.." I said, looking down at my hands and arms that were covered in their blood.
"Let's go to the bathroom... come on you guys.." Aunt Gabby said. My mom did followed too.

Alyssa and I washed the blood off of our skin.
We looked at each other.
"They can't be gone... they're our rainbow babies..." Alyssa told me.
"They aren't... they can't be..." I said.

We went back out. We were outside Skylar's room, they had the door closed and the curtains closed in Cameron's room.
Skylar was laying there, lifeless. She had bruises and blood stains all over her body.
Dr. Rhodes saw us and went to us.

"Hey you guys... we think that.. Skylar was raped.. she's bleeding a lot from there and marks she has on her back, arms, and legs shows signs of it.. we have her vitals steady right now... we're about to start her on a blood transfusion to hopefully get her BP up and to make up for all the blood loss. Then we have to sent her up to radiology to have scans, see if anything is broken or fractured... then we wanna get a rape kit done to her." He told us.

Alyssa and I looked at each other and agreed.
"Ok, do whatever you need to do to keep her alive.." I said.
I looked at Alyssa.
"She was.... He...." I said. I was so upset, Jared raped my baby girl.

They sent her up.
Then Dr. Manning came to us.
"Hey... Cameron is awake... but barely... and he wants to talk to you guys.." she said.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.
We went to his room. Cameron's eyes were struggling to stay open.
"Hey honey..." I smiled at him.
He was breathing very hard.
"S-Sk-Sky..?" He asked.
"No.. it's us... Skylar's getting some tests done right now... don't worry you'll see her soon..." Alyssa sniffled and told him.

He shook his head.
"I love you... Tell her... I'm sorry..." he said, struggling.
"Cam, Cam don't talk like that. Come on, you gotta fight.. come on you're gonna be ok..." I stroked his hair and cried. Alyssa held his hand.

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