Chapter 17

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~Brielle's POV~
Alyssa and I fell asleep on the couch together watching a movie. She was bummed out that her date was a bust. When we heard something.
"Mom? Mom? Where am I?" we heard a voice.
"Alyssa.. wake up.." I shook her away.
"Huh? What?" She said as I woke her up.
"Mom? Mom!" We heard it again.

"It's Oakley..." I said, getting up.
"Bri I'll get her." Alyssa said.
"She's my sister." I argued.
"And you're injured. Sit back down, I'll get her." She told me, pushing my shoulder down.

Alyssa went upstairs and came back down with Oakley.
She was crying.
"Hey, did you forget you were here?" I chuckled as she cuddled next to me.
"Yea... I didn't know where I was.." she said.
I noticed the time and it was 8:30.
"Well, it's already 8:30 why don't we make some breakfast?" I said.

We went to the kitchen.
"Alright.. what do should we make?" Alyssa asked Oakley.
"What is there?" She asked.
"We can make.. eggs, grilled cheese, sandwiches, French toast, sausages.." Alyssa said, looking around the kitchen.
"French toast!" Oakley screamed.

We made the French toast. I was cleaning up the kitchen has Alyssa was making the French toast.
"Bri go and sit down! You shouldn't be up!" Alyssa yelled at me.
"Ally, I'm fine! How many times are we gonna have this fight?" I said.

"Bri..." Alyssa turned the stove on low heat and turned to look at me. "I don't want to see you get hurt again ok? I'm not trying to be a pest... I just want you to heal and not keep extending your injuries ok?" She told me.
"Ok... fine." I said, I stopped what I was doing and went to sit at the island.

"Alright, breakfast." Alyssa said.
We finished eating, and we just did a quick clean of the main area. Oakley went to take a shower. After that, it was 10am.
Then Alyssa got a call.

"Oh it's my uncle." She said. "Hey Tio,... yea? Why?... ok ok.. yea I'll give her the phone..."
She gave me the phone.
"He wants to talk to you.." she said.
I was confused.

Brielle: hey Antonio.
Antonio: hey, are you busy right now?
Brielle: no... why?
Antonio: listen... Jared wants to see you... he's been asking about you.

Brielle: what? Why? What does he want?
Antonio: He wants to know if he killed you or not. He's upset with himself and tried to kill himself in jail. He wants to see you face to face. He's at Med and Dr. Charles asked us to contact you. Listen we understand if you don't want to-

Brielle: I'll do it.
Antonio: Brielle you don't have to-
Brielle: I said I'll do it. When do you want me?
Antonio: can you walk? Are you still injured?
Brielle: Antonio I said I'll do it. I don't care that I'm injured, I can take care of myself. When do you want me there?

Antonio: ok.. can you come in at 1pm? We'll let your parents know and we'll make sure nothing happens to you.
Brielle: I'll be there.

I gave the phone back to Alyssa she hung up and looked at me super confused.
"What did he want?" She asked me.
"Jared wants to see me... apparently he's upset with himself and he wants to know if he killed be or not. They tried to explain that I'm alive, but he wants to see me in person." I explained.

"What? Bri and you agreed? What is wrong with you?! You're vulnerable, injured, and weak! You can't go see him!" She yelled.
"Why Alyssa? Why can't I? He wants to kill himself! I don't want to be the reason he does that!" I yelled.

"He's upset with himself because of what he did to you! You're not the reason!" She yelled.
"No Alyssa! We're going! I'm gonna see him!" I said.
"Fine.. then I get to be with you when you're there with him." She said.

"Deal.." I said.
"Ok.. we have to take Oakley back home right?" She asked.
"Yea." I said.
"What time do we have to be at Med?" She asked.
"1pm." I said.

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