Chapter 42

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~Brielle's POV~
I'm 15 weeks today. Alyssa and I were getting ready for shift. Today I start ambo. I was putting my shift clothes on and had a difficult time.

"I have such a fast metabolism, except for all my muscle, but why when I'm pregnant my stomach gets so swollen? Like nothing else but my stomach. My face doesn't, my arms or legs don't, it's just my stomach."
I laughed, looking in the mirror. My stomach was getting really swollen.

Natalie said that can be normal, but I just found it a little funny how swollen my stomach is.
"Yea well.. that's our baby in there." Alyssa smiled and put her hand on my stomach.
"Yea I know..." I smiled and gave her a kiss.
Everyone at the firehouse already knows and so do our siblings. We told Antonio and Aunt Sylvie through a FaceTime call.

"Hey, when is your 15 week appointment?" Alyssa asked me.
"On Thursday." I said. Today is Tuesday, but the closest appointment we could get was Thursday.
"Who's turn it is to cook breakfast today at the firehouse?" Alyssa asked me.

"I... think it's mine." I said.
"Are you going to OFI tomorrow?" She asked me.
"Yea." I said. I haven't been to OFI in almost 5 months, when I began the hormones. Seager and Vanmeeter both know about the miscarriage, but they don't know I'm pregnant again. You can obviously see my stomach even though I'm only 15 weeks. I looked about 20-22 weeks pregnant even though I'm only 15 but my stomach is just super swollen.

"Be careful." She told me.
"Don't worry babe I always try to be as careful as possible, my dad's always there anyway with me." I said.
Then I got really nauseous and ran down the stairs to the bathroom.

"You ok?" Alyssa came in rubbing my back as I threw up.
"Yea just... ugh.." I said, putting one hand on my head and another one on my stomach after I threw up.

"It's ok... it'll pass..." She whispered to me.
"Just... gotta remember what it's for... all of this will be worth it." I said, rubbing my stomach.
"I know but you're still suffering..." she told me, and hugged me from behind.

We finally finished getting ready and headed to the firehouse.
We got to briefing.
After briefing was done, Violet, Alyssa and I went to the common room.

Truck, Squad, and Engine were all doing drills outside. Violet, Alyssa and I were in the common room.
"I have no clue what to make." I laughed, looking through the kitchen cabinets.

"What is there to make?" Violet asked.
"Everything." I laughed.
"Then why can't you figure out what to make." Alyssa laughed.
"Because nothing sounds good." I laughed.

"Make some grilled cheese." Violet suggested.
"That sounds disgusting.." I laughed.
"Breakfast bowls?" She suggested again.
"Ew I-.... No." I laughed again.
"I'll make breakfast go sit down." Alyssa chuckled.

"What do you even eat?" Violet laughed and asked me.
"Jell-o, crackers, granola bars.. she eats like a two year old." Alyssa laughed.
"Everything makes me sick! It's not my fault!" I laughed.

"But for real though, is that what you eat?" Violet laughed.
"Man why are y'all bullying me so much?" I laughed.
"We're not baby.. it's a joke." Alyssa laughed and gave me a kiss.

-A few hours later-
It was now just about 6pm. I was on my computer in the briefing room.
"Hey, what are you doing in here instead of in the common room?" My mom asked.
"The smell of literally anything has been making me so nauseous lately. And since Mills is cooking, I really don't want to feel nauseous right now." I explained.

"Oh ok... man you're getting so big.." my mom smiled and put her hand on my stomach.
"It's kinda crazy how I'm only 15 weeks, yet I'm measuring to about 20 weeks, but my belly is literally so swollen." I laughed.

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