Chapter 28

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~Brielle's POV~
"What do you mean it's Alyssa? Did she get hurt?" I asked, now worried.
"Just.. come on.." he told me.

I went to the app floor and Violet was there with Alyssa. Alyssa was just in a panicky state. She was crying, shaking, and really freaked out. She was in the passenger seat of the ambo.

"Baby? What happened?" I asked, pulling her in my arms.
She was hyperventilating.
"The guy... gun... shoot..." was all she could say. She was having a full blown panic attack.

I sat her down at the Squad table.
"Baby... Alyssa? Look at me..." I said, lifting her chin.
She looked at me, but she was just in a panic.

"Look.. can you feel me tapping your arm?" I asked, lightly tapping her arm.
She nodded her head.
"Feel me tapping your legs?" I asked, tapping her legs. She nodded again.

Then I put my hand on her chest, I could feel her heart beating out of her chest.
"Can you feel me rubbing your chest?" I asked, rubbing a small circle on her chest.
She looked at me and nodded again.
"Look at me baby.. breathe... in..... out...." I said, helping her breathe.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and shook her head.
"Baby you can do it.. come on please..." I said.
She was shaking so bad and her breathing was getting worse.

"Hey hey... look at me..." I said, grabbing her hands. She was shaking so much. She wouldn't look at me. She was so scared, but I have no idea what that call was.
"Violet, help me get her into the ambo." I said. We got her in the ambo and I hooked up an oxygen mask to her.

"Look at me... in and out... In and out..." I said, grabbing her hand.
She finally got her breathing under control and hugged me super tight and cried into my shoulder.
Aunt Gabby and Uncle Matt were there, extremely concerned.
"Let's... get you some rest.. come on.." I said, taking her to Uncle Matt's quarters.

Once I got her there, she wouldn't let go of me.
"No no, baby don't leave me alone please." She cried.
"Ok I won't.. just try to get some rest.. just close your eyes." I said.

She wanted me to lay down with her on the bunk. So I did. I stroked her hair and kept my lips on the top of her head. She hugged me super tight and cried. She finally fell into a deep sleep after 30 minutes. I put a blanket on her and went back out.

Aunt Gabby and Uncle came up to me.
"Is she ok?" Aunt Gabby asked me.
"Yea.. she's sleeping in your guy's quarters.." I said.
"What happened on that call?" My mom asked my dad and Violet.

"It was a crazed guy... he had Alyssa at gunpoint... and he grabbed her and had his arm on her neck and the gun at her head... then he took some shots just barely missing her... then he just threw her down to the floor... and once she turned back around to see him... he just... shot himself.. right then and there..." My dad explained.

"Oh my god..." Aunt Gabby was tearing up.
"Listen.. you two get out of here... Mills can cover Alyssa for the rest of shift. Just let us know how she's doing in the morning." Uncle Matt said.
"Will do Captain." I said.

Uncle Matt carefully carried Alyssa to my car and I got both our shift bags and everything. I drove us home. Then I helped her walk in.
I laid her down on the bed, got her shift clothes off, and got her in pajamas.

I got changed as well and laid down next to her.
"Baby.. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.. I'm so sorry you had to experience that... it'll all be ok.." I whispered to her. I laid next to her and fell asleep.

-one week later-
It's been a week since that call that Alyssa had. Neither of us have gone back to work. She hasn't really been eating much and hasn't been sleeping. I haven't been sleeping much either because I've been so worried about her. I've been surviving on energy drinks. But Alyssa is my life, my fiancé. I love her with all my heart and it's been killing me to see her like this.

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