Chapter 97

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-5 days later-
~Brielle's POV~
It's been 5 days since we last saw Skylar and Cameron. We haven't any any luck and intelligence has been looking everywhere and so have we.

Everyone knows, Maxx, Scarlett, Jaxson, Addilynn, Layla, etc. Scarlett's only 5, so she doesn't truly understand the gravity of this situation. She just thinks that Skylar and Cameron are on a vacation or something and they haven't come home yet.

This has been hard on everyone, but we just have to keep our hopes up.... But it's been hard. They've been missing for almost a week already.

Maxx and Scarlett are at Jaxson and Kenzie's house right now.
Alyssa and I were at home, we don't have shift, but we're just hoping they somehow come home or something.

I was in Skylar's room, I was looking at some photos she has with Cameron on her dresser and was crying.
"Please come home safe you two... please..." I whispered, hugging the photo.
"My love... what are you doing in here?" I heard Alyssa come in.

"It's been almost a week and nothing..." I cried.
She looked at me and tears were forming in her eyes too.
"I know... I know... we have to be strong though ok? We need to keep thinking positive thoughts..." she told me.

"Positive? How? We don't have any leads! We have no clue where they are! Intelligence has searched this whole damn city and nothing!" I yelled.
Once I did that, I realized I was yelling.

"I'm sorry..." I told her.
"It's fine.. we have to think positive ok? That's all we can do..." she hugged me.

I got a call from Voight.
"Hey! Have you guys found anything?!" I answered the phone.
"Just.. come down to the district." He said.

"What did he want?" Alyssa asked me.
"He told us to head down to the district.... He didn't sound too happy..." I said.
"Let's go." Alyssa said.

We went down to the district.
"Hey you two..." Erin told us once we came in.
"Did you guys find something yet? Do we know where they are?" I asked.

Erin and Ruzeck looked at each other.
"You guys have to understand... they've been missing for almost a week now and we've looked around the whole city already... and we haven't gotten any leads or anything.. they might not even be in Chicago.." Erin told me.

I looked at her in disbelief.
"You guys are giving up?" I asked them.
"What? No... Brielle, what we're trying to say is that there is a one in a million chance. Each day that goes by with no leads or help, decreases our chance of finding them... you have to understand that.. one in a million..." Ruzeck told me.

"You're saying there's still a chance?" I asked them. And looked at Alyssa.
"Yes but-" Voight said, but I stopped him.
"There's still a chance! I will take those odds! I'm not giving up on finding them until you bring me their bodies!" I yelled.

"Brielle... you have to understand... we've looked everywhere already... but we are not giving up, we just want you guys to think realistically... they might not be alive when we get to them..." Erin said.

I looked at Alyssa, she was looking at the floor, silently crying. We looked at each other and hugged each other.
"We aren't giving up... I promise..." she whispered to me.

~Skylar's POV~
It's been 5 days. But, these last 5 days have felt like 5 years. Cameron and I are not ok. Everyday we've been beaten, slapped, tortured. We don't even know these guys names.

Cameron and I were in the same cage that we've been in since the first day. Still in the same clothes and everything. All we have is each other.

The guys were out right now. We cannot get out of this cage because it's some time of strong steel fence.
"We've been here for 5 days already Cameron..." I groaned. I punched the fence and threw my shoe at it.

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