Chapter 68

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~Brielle's POV~
We heard some footsteps behind us.
"Stells?" We heard someone behind us.
We turned around and saw a guy. The guy looked at me and he looked confused and angry at the same time.
"Sir are you ok?" I asked him.

He looked high out of his mind. And we saw all the broken bottles of beer and a bunch of ziploc bags that had traces of white powder.
"Stella?" He asked me, getting a little closer, I backed up and Alyssa went in front of me.

"Sir, are you injured?" Alyssa asked him.
We noticed he was injured. He had a gash on his head.
"Sir, can we take a look at your head?" I asked him, getting closer.
"Stella? Is that you? What are you doing here?" He asked. He had almost no balance and couldn't stand or walk correctly.

Alyssa and I went closer to him.
"Sir, what's your name?" Alyssa asked him.
But he had his eyes fixed on me.
I got a stethoscope out of the ambo bag and tried to listen to his heart beat.
"Heart beat is slow." I said.

I looked at Alyssa.
Alyssa got some gauze to patch his head up.
She gave him some medication.

The guy wouldn't stop looking at me. Then all of a sudden I noticed something.
"Gun!" I yelled and Alyssa and I both stepped back.
"Sir, put the gun down..." Alyssa said. But the guy just wouldn't stop looking at me. He had his eyes fixed on me, and pointed the gun towards me.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
"Stella! You deserve this!" He yelled. He tried to get up, but he was so high that he could not move straight.
Once he got to his feet he stumbled. Then lunged towards me. The gun went off. Hitting the guy in the leg. Then another bullet fired, just missing me.

Alyssa quickly kicked the gun away from him and started packing his wound. She gave him a sedative, so he was out. I was frozen.
Alyssa got him treated.
"Hey..." she got up and looked at me. I looked at her, fear all over my face.

"Look.. it's ok.. he's out." She told me.
"Why did he keep calling me Stella...? He knew my mom... but why did he want to hurt her...?" I said, my voice breaking.
"I don't know my love... we'll figure this out.." she hugged me.

I nodded my head and cried into her shoulder, terrified about what just happened. Who is this guy? Why does he want to hurt my mom? Why did he think I was my mom?
"Let's get him to the ambo. You drive, I'll be in the back." She told me.

We got him to the ambo.
I drove to Med.
As I was driving I heard noise in the back of them Ambo.
"Where is she? Where the hell is that bitch?!" I could hear the guy yelling. I could feel his movement shaking the ambo as I was driving.

"Sir calm down!" Alyssa yelled. I could see Alyssa in the back, trying to hold him down.
"Alyssa, want me to pull over? We're 3 minutes away!" I yelled to the back.

"No, just drive!" She yelled.
I drove, terrified for my wife.
We got to Med and I quickly helped Alyssa get this guy out.

We never even got a name on this guy.
"Unknown male. High on Weed, Drunk, agitated in ambo, fired a gun at a paramedic, accidental self inflicted gunshot wound." Alyssa said.

When we went in, Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Halstead looked like they knew exactly who this guy was.
"Stella! I'm gonna kill you! You aren't getting away with this!" The guy yelled at me.

"Grant, calm down. You're at Chicago Med." Dr. Halstead told the guy. I guess his name is Grant.
"I'll kill her! I'll kill her!" He yelled, pointing to me.
I looked at Alyssa so confused. Who was this guy?
"No exit wound. Bullet's still inside his leg, send him up to the OR and call CPD." Dr. Manning said.

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