Chapter 31

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It's been a a little over a month since our wedding.
We had shift today and we're getting ready.
Once we got to shift, and changed, we all got a call right away.

Truck 81, Ambo 61, Squad 3 house fire 29 east Hanover street
We went to the trucks.
"Severide remember-" she said, then I cut her off.
"Yes Lieutenant, on your hip, no risky stunts." I said.

We got to the call. It was a house fire.
"Ok Candidate, on my hip. Let's search the top floor" My mom ordered.
"Squad we'll search the bottom floor!" My dad ordered.

We went in.
"Fire Department call out!" I yelled.
My mom and I were searching a room. I checked under the bed and found 2 small kids.
"Lieutenant! I found 2 little ones underneath the bed!" I yelled.
There was a little boy and a little girl, they both looked about 2 and 3. My mom found someone in the closet. I grabbed both little kids and my mom got the guy in the closet.

The guy was unconscious but the kids were still awake, just some soot on their faces.
"Hey you two. Don't worry it's ok.." I said as I carried the kids out.

We got out and went to the ambo.
"These two are just shaken up, may have some minor smoke inhalation. But my mom's bringing out an unconscious victim." I said. Giving the kids to Alyssa.

We wrapped up the call and headed back to the firehouse.
I made breakfast and after we all ate, I got assigned laundry. Alyssa helped me. And I couldn't stop thinking of those kids we saved.

"I want one..." I said. And wrapped my arms around her from behind.
"What do you mean?" She asked me.
"I want a baby..." I said.
"Babe.. I promise, we'll look into it soon ok?" She said.
"Ok..." I said.

-5 months later-
Alyssa and I didn't have shift, so we were at the kitchen table.

"Hey so.. you know how we were taking about IVF in the airport about 6 months back?" I asked her.
"Yes why?" She asked.
"Maybe we should discuss it again... We've just been so busy, we kinda just both forgot about it. And we've been married for over 6 months already." I said.
"Ok, what do you want to say?" She asked me.

"When should we start trying? Should we go to med just to make sure everything is ok to even get this procedure done? What if something goes wrong? What if-" I said, then she stopped me.
"Woah woah babe.. slow down... we can go to med today and talk to Natalie and see. And don't worry.. nothing will go wrong.." she told me.

"Ok.." I said.
"Don't you want to have a baby? I saw the way you smiled at those kids in the airport." She told me.
"Yea.. I really do..." I smiled.
"Let's get ready and head to Med then." She said.

We got ready and went to Med.
"Hey you two lovebirds, you need something?" Natalie smiled once she saw us walk in.
"Hey, we were actually coming to see you." I said.
"Ok, what for?" She asked.
"We want to do IVF and try for a baby." I said.

"Oh my god that's great you two! Yea I can check you right now." She said.
"Great thanks!" I said.
"So who's gonna get pregnant?" She asked us.
I raised my hand.
"Yea she's scared of getting pregnant." I laughed, pointing to Alyssa.

We went to the room and Natalie did a few tests.
"Do your parents know you guys want to start trying?" She asked us.
"No, we've been actually taking about this since before we got married. But they don't know." Alyssa smiled.
"Well.. based on your lab results. You're completely healthy Brielle. We can set you guys up with a donor and then start the process." Natalie smiled.

"How long would it take to find a donor?" Alyssa asked.
"Not long, maybe 1 week at max we just have to speak to the agency." Natalie said.
"And how exactly would it work?" I asked.

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