Chapter 91

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-Time Jump-
Brielle and Alyssa's kids:
-Skylar Dawson Severide: 15 years old; 10th grade
-Cameron Matthew Severide: 15 years old; 10th grade
-Maxx Kelly Severide: 11 years old; 6th grade
-Scarlett Stella Severide: 4 years old; Pre-K

Addilynn and Lucas' kids:
-Elliot Everett: 11 years old; 6th grade
-Ellie Everett: 8 years old; 3rd grade

Layla and Anthony's kids:
-Olivia Rose Jameson: 10 years old; 5th grade
-Amelia Iris Jameson: 7 years old; 2nd grade

Jaxson and Kenzie's kids:
-Peyton Rae Severide: 10 years old; 5th grade
-Daniella Kate Severide: 6 years old; 1st grade
-Griffin Ryder Severide: 6 years old; 1st grade

~Brielle's POV~
It was the middle of the night, about 3am and I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some water, when I went back upstairs, I could hear some noise from Skylar's room.
I saw her awake, but she wouldn't stop coughing.
"Hey, honey you ok?" I asked her.

She looked at me and shook her head, still coughing.
"I don't feel well..." she coughed.
I noticed was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants, and she usually wears shorts and a crop top to sleep.

"Are you cold?" I asked her. She nodded her head, I felt her forehead.
"Honey you're burning up..." I told her.

I heard some noise from Cameron's room.
"He's sick too.." I said. The twins always get sick at the exact same time.

"Were you guys feeling sick before bed?" I asked them.
"We were both coughing a bit, but we thought it was because of all the laughing." She told me.

I got a thermometer.
"You're 102.5..." I told her.
I went downstairs and got some medicine for her to take. I got 2 NyQuill pills for her and some water.
"Can't I take 3?" She asked me.

"Honey you're only 115 pounds. Two is the max." I told her. She took them.
"Let me know if you feel worse ok? I'll call your school in the morning." I told her.

She nodded her head and pulled the covers over her head to try and sleep.
I went to Cameron's room and did the same thing with him.

I stayed awake until like 5:30 am to make sure they were ok and wouldn't stop breathing or something all of a sudden.

I got back in bed at around 5:45am.
The twins are never sick. They both actually have surprisingly good immune systems. But when they do get sick, they always get really sick.

Right when I came back into the room, Alyssa's alarm went off. We have shift today.
"Hey.. my love, what are you doing awake?" She asked me.

"Sky and Cam are sick.. I think I should stay home with them... you know that they don't get sick often. So we know they'll be really sick..." I said.

"So.. we should still have Maxx and Scarlett go to Addilynn and Lucas' this weekend right?" She asked me. Scarlett and Maxx both don't have the greatest immune systems, so we knew it would be best for them to just be away from them for a day or two.

"Yea... I'll call the twins school at like 8am." I told her.
"How bad are they?" She asked me.
"Both have fevers and coughs." I said.

Alyssa left for shift and took Maxx and Scarlett to school.
I had to call the twins' school.
"Hi, I'm calling to report my son and daughter absent." I said.

"Ok. Can I have their names?" The woman on the phone asked me.
"Skylar Severide and Cameron Severide. They are both in 10th grade." I told her.

"Can you spell out both of their names for me?" She asked.
"Skylar Severide; S-K-Y-L-A-R S-E-V-E-R-I-D-E. And Cameron Severide; C-A-M-E-R-O-N S-E-V-E-R-I-D-E. Again they're both in the 10th grade." I said.

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