Chapter 67

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~Brielle's POV~
"Call out!" I yelled. The fire was getting hot and it was getting hard to see.
I heard the indistinct voice again.
"Call out! Fire department call out!" I yelled.

I was now on the ground, crawling my way through because it was too hot now.
I heard the voice again.

"Brielle? Can we get a report?" I heard my mom in my radio.
"Call out!" I yelled, ignoring my radio.
I saw this door that was closed, but I heard the voice again and it sounded like it was coming from that room. I broke the door down.

I was now in a room that looked like a playroom.
"Call out!" I yelled.
I heard my mom again in my radio.
"Brielle, report." I heard her say.

"Call out!" I yelled again. I heard the voice again, but this time it was clear.
"Mommy! Help! Mommy I'm scared!" I heard the voice. It was a little girl voice.
"Call out! Where are you?" I yelled out.

"Help!" I heard the voice again. I saw this closet and found the little girl in it.
"Hey.. let's get out of here." I told her. I wrapped her in my jacket, but there was no way out. The fire was way too hot.
"Hey, can you hold on really tight?" I asked the little girl.
She nodded her head.

I had to break a window and we were dangling out on the window sill.
"Don't worry I got you.." I told the little girl.
My arms were weak and I was starting to slip.

"Gallo, get a ladder up there!" I heard my mom yell out. Gallo got the ladder just barely in time.
I climbed down with the little girl in my jacket and brought her over to ambo.

"She might have some smoke inhalation and she has some burn marks, but other than that she's really just spooked." I said.
After I gave the little girl over to ambo, engine got the fire out and truck helped with overhaul.

Once we got back to the firehouse, ambo wasn't back, so I went to the bunk room.
I ended up passing out on my bunk and got woken up by someone.

"My love... did you ever take the pill?" Alyssa asked me.
"What?" I asked.
"Did you ever take the pill?" She asked me.
"No.. I didn't." I said.

"Well, you need to eat first... come on." She tried to pull me off the bed.
"No babe.. please..." I groaned.
"Yes, you need to eat. You haven't eaten much in the past week." She told me.
"Baby please..." I said.

Ambo 61 person in distress 45 ashford ave

"I'll be back, and you better have eaten something." She told me. And ran out.

I got up and when to the locker to drink the pill and just ate an anti nausea gummy with it as "food". I just sat down on the bench for a minute because I was tired
"Hey, that call was insane, where even was the girl?" I saw Gallo come in.

"Yea, she was in a little closet in a playroom." I said.
"Oh, well you're wanted on the apparatus floor." He said.
"Ok." I said, I got up and immediately almost fell.
"Hey, woah, you ok?" Gallo asked me, he caught me.

"Yea just.... stood up too fast..." I joked. But I knew my body was exhausted. This pregnancy is going to be harder than the last, I already know it. And my last pregnancy was twins.

I felt somewhat ok after a minute and went to the apparatus floor. I saw Vanmeeter, Seager, and my dad there.
"Hey Brielle, so I just asked your dad, but it seems like you were really the only firefighter who really saw what was going on in that apartment fire today." Vanmeeter told me.

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