Chapter 43

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~Brielle's POV~
Natalie kept looking at the computer for a couple more seconds before putting the wand down and speaking to us.
"So... um... it's twins..." She smiled.
I was just in shock.
"Um... what?" I asked.
"Yea.. look." She said, showing us the screen.

Alyssa and I looked at the screen and saw two babies.
I put my hands on my face and cried.
"I was so worried we didn't have a baby anymore and we have two babies!" I cried.

"How come we never saw this before?" Alyssa asked.
"Well, reviewing your old sonograms, it looks like one baby was always right behind the other one. But now, she has one high up by her ribs, and down between the middle and low part of her stomach." She explained.

"We have two on the way..." I told Alyssa.
"Well, considering that we did IVF there was a possibility of multiples, but twins do run on both sides of your families." Natalie explained.

"When can we find out the genders?" Alyssa asked.
"My guess would be at about 20 weeks or I can do some blood work right now and you would have the results in a few days. Would you guys want to know the genders or do you want to have someone else plan a gender reveal?" She asked.

"We should have Layla and Addilynn do it." Alyssa told me. I nodded.
"Ok, so do you want to get the blood work done now?" Natalie asked.
"Yes please." I said.

She did the blood work and was wrapping up.
"Um... what does this mean for me work-wise?" I asked.

"With twins by around 20-22 weeks you'll already be measuring full term at a regular pregnancy. So I would highly advise that you stop working by next week or two. You really shouldn't be working last 18 weeks Since your already measuring about 22 weeks at a regular pregnancy. Both babies look good, they are measuring a bit small, but with twins that's normal." Natalie explained.

"So I have to stop working...?" I said.
"Yes, especially since considering what happened last time... it would be best for you to take it easy. Considering it's twins now, and twins pregnancies are usually much more risky... I'm sorry I know you love working. No more heavy lifting, try to minimize stress as much as you can, and take it easy." She explained.
"I'll try..." I sighed.

"So when will you give the paperwork to my dad?" Alyssa asked.
"I'll send it over my tomorrow evening, you guys have shift then right?" Natalie asked.
"Yes." We both said.
"Ok so, I'll put in that you will stop working anytime between tomorrow and 2 weeks from now." She told us.

"Ok, got it." I said.
"I'm sorry... I know you love working, but it would just be best." Natalie told me.
"I got it. Thanks Dr. Manning. When will you call our sisters to tell them the results?" I asked.
"We should have the results within a few days, so by the end of the week." She told us.

We left Med with some sonogram photos and went to the car.
"I-.... I don't know whether to be excited, nervous, scared... happy..." I said.
"It's a great thing baby.. don't worry we'll be ok." Alyssa took my hand and whispered to me.

"It's two though... we're new parents and we'll have two at once... what about when you have to go back to work and I'm left with them by myself?" I asked.
"I'm sure my dad will give me like 3 weeks to be with you. You'll be fine..." she smiled at me.

"We should call Addie and Layla, since they will be planning the gender reveal. Maybe we could have it like a week before Christmas, since that's the week after they come back for Winter break." I said.
We knew they didn't have class right now.
We FaceTimed them.

Addilynn: hey what's up you guys?
They were in their dorm.
Layla: hey!
Brielle: hey! So we just got out of Med from a baby appointment. And we want you two to plan the gender reveal.
Addilynn: oh my god yes of course we would!
Layla: oh my god I hope it's a girl!

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