Chapter 61

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~Brielle's POV~
It's been just a week since the "death" incident. I way underestimated how much pain I would be in and how much I would have to rely on other people to help me. Which is difficult for me. I'm so used to being independent and I hate depending on people.

It's just like 6 years ago all over again when I was dependent on meds to keep me going and functioning. But to add a twist to this, I'm a mother and I have to look after my kids as well.

Alyssa has been with me for a week, helping me, but now our siblings have to come over to help because Alyssa needs to go to work.

Today, Jaxson and Layla wanted to come over to help.
I've been having to sleep on the couch because going up and down the stairs are not possible for me.

Dr. Marcel and Dr. Halstead told me to use my crutches to help me walk to take the pressure off my back and core when I walk. But Alyssa or really anyone doesn't let me walk without them by my side.

I woke up to Alyssa getting ready for shift. It was a Saturday, so Skylar and Cameron didn't have daycare today.

"Hey my love, I have to leave now, I gave Skylar and Cameron each some fruit to have as a small snack and Jaxson and Layla should be here soon. Do you need anything?" She asked me.

"Ok... um... no I'm good right now... I love you... please be careful." I said.
"I love you too. I told Skylar and Cameron to be quiet and play nicely so they wouldn't wake you. Just try and get some more sleep. I know you were up last night in pain." She told me.

I woke up and had pain last night. Dr. Marcel said that cramping and pain is normal. Alyssa has been sleeping with me on the couch because she wants to make sure I'm ok.

"It's ok... you better go, you'll be late." I laughed.
"Oh yea, bye my love." She said and kissed me.
"Love you." I smiled and kissed her back.

I laid on the couch for about 5 minutes before having to use the bathroom. I got my crutches and went to the bathroom. When I came out I saw Skylar coming down the stairs.

"Hi my princess." I smiled, and sat down on the couch.
"Hi Mama." She smiled and sat next to me on the couch, careful to not get too close because she didn't want to hurt me.
"Where's your brother?" I asked.
"Up." She said. Telling me he was upstairs in their room.

"Can you give me that bottle of water and those bottles of medicine?" I asked her, that were on the coffee table. She gave them to me and I drank my meds.

"You wanna watch something?" I asked her.
"Yea!" She said.
"What do you wanna watch?" I asked her.
"Moana!" She said.
She loves that Movie so much.

I put on the movie and Cameron came down shortly after.
"Hey baby." I said.
"Hi Mama." He said.

After about 20 mins both Layla and Jaxson came, the twins ran up to them. Skylar loves Jaxson and Cameron loves Layla.

The twins don't call their Aunts or Uncles "auntie" or "uncle" because our siblings didn't want to be called that. They call our their aunts and uncles by their names or a nickname.

"Hey!" Layla said as they walked in. All our siblings and our parents have a key to our house incase of anything.
"Laylie!" Cameron ran to her.
"Jackie!" Skylar ran to Jaxson.

Cameron started calling Layla, "Laylie" after he watched some movie that had a character named Laylie. And I think Skylar got Jackie from Oakley cause Oakley told her to call Jaxson, Jackie once as like a joke and it stuck to her.

"Hey you guys." I smiled as I saw my kids ran over to their aunt and uncle.
"Hey, how've you been?" Layla asked.

"May or may not have underestimated the amount of pain I'd be in and how much help I would actually need. But other than that I'm good." I laughed.
"Well, that's what we're here for. You guys watching Moana?" Jaxson laughed.

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