Chapter 95

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~Brielle's POV~
Alyssa and I were getting ready for shift. And the kids have school today too.
"Ma, I can't find my car keys anywhere!" I heard Skylar yelling out.

"Sky I have them! They're in my jacket!" I heard Cameron yell.
Skylar and Cameron share a car, they're always together anyway, so it works.

I was in the kitchen, making some breakfast for the kids.
"Why are you guys leaving so early for? You still have like 20 minutes." I told them.
"We aren't leaving yet. Just wanted everything to be ready." Skylar said.

"Hey, Sky, you understand this?" Cameron was showing Skylar a paper.
"Yea, X=the square root of 45. You have to multiple the conjugate....then when you have to find the square root to isolate X, that's when you get the square root. But, you have to simplify the radical. So it ends of being 3 radical 5." Skylar explained. Cameron looked at her, impressed but confused.
I chuckled.

Skylar is a big Math and Science person, but she doesn't like English or History too much. And Cameron is the exact opposite, he loves History and English, but he hates math and science.
"It's good you have a sister who loves math." I chuckled.

"Oh, and Cam, don't forget, I'm paying you 20$ to write my history essay." Skylar chuckled.
"Sky, you have to do your own work." I told her.
"He's gonna write it, and I'm gonna put it through a paraphrasing tool on QuillBot." She chuckled.
"Just don't get caught." I laughed.

The kids had to get to school and Alyssa and I had to get to shift.
Once Alyssa and I got to shift, we went to briefing, then we were all just hanging out in the common room.

~Skylar's POV~
Cameron and I were driving to school.
I was driving while Cameron was still doing a math worksheet.

"Sky, do you understand this?" He asked me, we were at a red light, we live about a 10 minute drive from school.

"Um... yea. So basically, isolate y, and then whatever you get for that, sub that in for y in the other equation, solve for x, then sub that in for x in the first equation." I explained to him.

He nodded.
"Green." He said. I looked up and the light turned green.
"I still have the whole back side to do of this..." he groaned.

"I can help you with it during lunch. We don't have Mr. S until the last block anyway." I chuckled.
"Why don't we just skip?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"Let's skip school. It's one day. We're both straight A students, I don't think it will matter if we miss one day." He laughed.

"Cam I don't wanna get in trouble." I told him. Which was true, we've never skipped school on purpose before, so it was a little nerve racking for me.
"Come on Sky, it's one day." He told me.

I looked at him.
"Ok fine.. where do we go?" I asked him.
"Navy Pier? We have those season passes. And we'll be back in time to pick up Maxx and Scarlett." He told me.
I looked in my wallet real quick and found them.
"Alright, Navy Pier it is. Let's go." I laughed, as I put on my GPS to go there.

I parked about a 2 minute walk from Navy Pier so we wouldn't have to pay for parking.
"Wow Sky. You really couldn't park in a more sketchier place, could you?" Cameron laughed as we got out of the car.
"Shut up, I'm not paying 40$ just for parking when we can walk 2 mins for free." I laughed.

Once we got to Navy Pier, we went to do some rides. We haven't been to Navy Pier since we were 15. We were waiting in line to go on a rollercoaster.
"It's freezing.." I said.

It's January. And I'm only wearing a small little sweater because we were supposed to be in school and it's usually hot in school.

"After this, we can go to one of the gift shops and get a hoodie for you." He said.
I was just wearing crocs, leggings, and a small cropped sweater.

After the ride, we went to a little shop. I found a hoodie and we bought it. It was now lunch time.
We got lunch at some restaurant. Cam and I don't have anymore cash on us, I looked at our bank account that we share and we don't have enough for lunch.

"Call Mom, tell her that we're going out for lunch." Cam told me.
I called mom.

Alyssa: Hey Sky, what's wrong?
Skylar: hey, nothing's wrong, Cam and I wanna go out for lunch, but we need more money in our account.
Alyssa: ok, no problem. I'll send you some money. Is 30$ good?
Skylar: yea that's good. Thanks Mom.

~Brielle's POV~
Alyssa and I were in the laundry room doing some laundry. Then she got a phone call. Once Alyssa hung up the phone, I asked her; "who was that?"
"Skylar, her and Cameron are going out for lunch, so she needed me to send some money to their account." She told me.

"So.. I was thinking... since tomorrow's Friday...why don't we have Jaxson and Kenzie keep an eye on the kids, and we go to the cabin for the weekend. Just the two of us?" I asked her.

She smiled at me and gave me a kiss.
"I like that idea.." she said.
We kissed in the turnout room for about a minute before the bells went off.

All units structure fire 824 Western Ave

"Sounds serious." I smiled.
"Seriously fun." She said.
I gave her one more quick kiss before we went to the vehicles. Before we went to the apparatus floor. She grabbed my hand.

"Bring that body of yours back in one piece." She smiled.
"I'll try." I chuckled.
We ran out.

~Skylar's POV~
Once I hung up, about 5 minutes later, I saw she sent the money.
Cam and I got something to eat.

We hung out at Navy Pier for about 2 more hours, before we noticed the time.
"Sky, we should get going, we have to pick up Maxx and Scarlett." Cam told me.

We started waking to the car. We had to go through this dark Alleyway to get the the car.
We got to our car, when all of a sudden we heard someone say something.

"Hey Severides!" We heard a man yell. Before Cam and I could see, we both felt someone grab us. I tried to fight, but then I felt something hit my head and I passed out.


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