Chapter 83

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-Time jump-
Brielle and Alyssa's kids:
-Skylar Dawson Severide; 5 years old
-Cameron Matthew Severide; 5 years old
-Maxx Kelly Severide: 1 year old

Lucas and Addilynn's son:
-Elliot Everett; 1 year old

Jaxson and MaKenzie's daughter:
-Peyton Rae Severide; 6 months old

Layla and Anthony's daughter:
-Olivia Rose Jameson; 3 months old

Torres is on Truck 81 full time now. They were able to have her on truck, and Brielle will still be on truck as well.

Brielle goes back to work in 3 months.
Skylar and Cameron are in kindergarten.
Maxx stays at home with Brielle while she's still at home. But once she goes back to work, he will go to daycare.

~Brielle's POV~
-Mid October-
"Skylar, come on, you have to get ready for school." I woke Skylar up for school.

She got up and I got her an outfit ready. I let her get dressed. I got Cameron up and did the same with him.
Their school is from 8:00 am to 3pm. But they're supposed to be there at 7:45 as like a "break before school starts" type thing. Almost like study hall.

I saw Alyssa come out of Maxx's nursery with him all dressed.
Alyssa has shift today, so she leaves earlier than we do.
"Got him dressed, but he's hungry." She chuckled, holding a fussy Maxx in her arms.

"Of course he is." I laughed, taking him.
"I'll go start breakfast for them. Eggs and Sausage?" She asked me.
"Yea thanks, I'll go feed him and be out soon." I said.

I fed Maxx and heard Skylar come in the nursery.
"Mama, can you do my hair?" She asked me.
"Honey, I'm feeding your brother. And mommy's making breakfast right now. Why don't you make sure that your school bag is ready?" I asked her.
"Ok Mama." She said, and left.

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard Alyssa call out.
I went down with Maxx and put him in his high chair.
Alyssa gave the kids their plates.
"Babe, it's 7:20. Don't you have to leave in like 10 minutes?" I asked her.
"Oh yea, let me go get my shift bag ready." She said, going upstairs.

"Come on you guys, eat." I told Skylar and Cameron.
They ate quick. This is the one meal they could eat 24/7 so we make it at least 3 times a week.
I helped Maxx eat his food.

Once the twins were ready, we got in the car.
I drove them to school.
"Bye babies, I'll pick you up later ok?" I gave them each a kiss.
"Mama can we do something this weekend?" Skylar asked me.

"Like what baby?" I asked her.
"Navy Pier!" Cameron yelled out.
"Yea can we?" Skylar asked excitedly.
"I'll have to talk to mommy about that. I love you." I chuckled. It's Friday, so we probably could do that.
"Bye mama." They both said.

Maxx and I went back home.
"Mommy." Maxx said.
He was just playing in the playroom, I was with him. He was playing with some Ambulance toy cars.

"You wanna go see Mommy?" I asked him. I didn't have anything to do either. The house is clean besides the kitchen and living room.
Maxx nodded his head excitedly.

"Ok, well, I'm gonna go clean the downstairs. Wanna come downstairs and watch a show?" I asked him.
He nodded his head.
I cleaned up the kitchen and the living room.

By that time it was now noon. Maxx just woke up from his nap.
"Ok Maxx, wanna go see mommy now before we pick up Sky and Cam?" I asked him as he woke up.
He nodded his head excitedly.

We went to the firehouse.
"Walk." Maxx told me, he didn't want me to carry him inside.
I let him walk and I held his little hand.
We walked into the common room and all of a sudden a dog ran to us.
Maxx screamed and freaked out and I quickly picked him up.

Ritter came running over.
"Tuesday! Sorry.." he told me, grabbing the dog.
Maxx was crying and grabbing my shirt so tight.
"It's ok Maxx..." I comforted him in my arms.
"Sorry.. is he scared of dogs?" Ritter asked me.
"No, but it just ran up to him, so he got freaked out." I chuckled.

"Hey honey." Aunt Gabby came over and smiled.
"Hey." I said.
"Want me to take him?" Aunt Gabby asked, pointing to Maxx.
"Yea that would be a big help." I laughed.
She took him away and I smiled at the dog and pet it.

"Aww, is it a boy or a girl?" I smiled at Ritter.
"She's a girl. Her name's Tuesday." Ritter chuckled.
"I love dogs. And she's so pretty. But it's very cliché to have a Dalmatian as a firefighter." I laughed.
Tuesday was a Dalmatian.

"Yea I know." He laughed.
"You know where ambo is?" I asked.
"They went out on a call about 45 minutes ago. Should be back soon." He told me.

-1 hour later-
Ambo came back. But the rest of the firehouse got called out. So it was just Maxx and I at the common room table.
"Hey my love, what are you guys doing here?" Alyssa smiled.

"Maxx wanted to come, so we came." I smiled and gave her a kiss.
Maxx took little steps and went to Alyssa. She picked him up and hugged him.
"Hey my baby." She smiled at him.

She winced in pain under her breath and put her hand on her stomach.
"You ok baby?" I asked her.
"Yea, just got this weird pain. It's probably nothing though." She said.
"Baby.. you've had this pain for like over a week now. You should get it checked out." I told her.

"My love it's fine, it's nothing Advil can't fix." She laughed.
"I gotta pick up Skylar and Cameron in like an hour. They wanted to know if we could do anything this weekend. They wanted to go to Navy Pier." I said.
"That seems fun, yea let's do that." She smiled.
"Ok, I'll go pick them up and bring them over here." I laughed.

I drove to pick up Skylar and Cameron.
"Hi my babies." I smiled when they got in the car.
"Hi mama." They smiled.
"You guys wanna go to the firehouse for a bit, then we can go home?" I asked them.
"Yes!" They said, excitedly.

We went to the firehouse.
"Hi mommy!" Skylar and Cameron ran up to Alyssa and hugged her.
"Hey you two!" She laughed and hugged them.

The kids and I were about to leave the firehouse when Violet came looking for me.
"Brielle? I think you might wanna see Alyssa.. she's in pain.." she told me.
"What?" I asked.
"You guys stay here, watch your brother." I told the kids.

I went into the briefing room. Aunt Gabby and my mom were in the room with Alyssa. Alyssa was doubled over in the chair in pain.
"Baby? Baby? What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I don't know! I don't know! It's feels like a stabbing!" She cried.

"She won't look up and let us check her." My mom said.
I noticed an ambo bag on the table.
"Babe, let me check you please. Just look at me." I said.

She looked up. She looked super pale and sweaty.
"Oh my god Alyssa.. you're so pale... and warm." I said, feeling her forehead. I took her temperature.
"You're at 102.9..." I said.

"What the hell is this?" She cried.
I noticed she had her hand on her lower right abdomen.
"Is all your pain on your right side?" I asked her.
She nodded her head.

She was super super pale and sweaty.
I looked at Violet.
"Baby... I think your appendix just burst. You're septic." I told her.
"What?" She looked at me.

"Let's get her to Med." Violet said.
Violet and I got Alyssa in the ambo, then Skylar came.
"What's wrong with Mommy?" She asked.

I looked at her and totally forgot they were here.
"Go drive them to Med. I'll take care of her back here." Aunt gabby said.
"Ok.." I said.


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