Chapter 20

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~Brielle's POV~
Then we heard some footsteps behind us.
I stopped breathing for a second.
"Hey.. Brielle?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.
I turned around and saw Bianca there.
"What do you want?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry... look I swear I didn't know that was your family I was speaking about... please... can you forgive me? I promise, I'm not that kinda person." She said.

"No... you don't know my family. And I already saw what kind of person you are. You're two faced, just like your father..he caused a lot of problems in the firehouse. And I don't want to have anything to do with you. So don't ever talk to me again." I said.

"Brielle come on I-" she started to say, but then Alyssa interrupted her.
"Listen she said to back off. If she won't make you, I will." Alyssa said.
Bianca looked at me and then just walked away.

"God she just..." I said, and put my hands on my head.
"Hey it's ok. You'll probably never see her again. So don't worry about it. She isn't worth it." Alyssa told me.
"Yea you're right... let's just... go down to the district.." I said.

"Hey, what are you girls doing here? You know it's almost 2am?" We turned around and saw my dad there.

"Uh.. hey dad." I said. Alyssa and I blocked the backseat with us standing in front of it.
"Brielle what are you wearing?" My dad asked.
"We went out to eat." Alyssa said.

But the thing was Alyssa was only wearing leggings and a hoodie. And I was still wearing my outfit that I wore on my date.
"Ok...What are you doing here? It's almost 2am." My dad asked.

"We were bored. And wanted to come. Then we decided to just go home. We're really tired and we've had a long day. But I... forgot my purse." I said, holding it up.
"Oh ok. Well you guys should go home. Get some sleep." He said.
"Will do Lieutenant." I laughed.

"That's my girl." He laughed.
He finally went back inside and Alyssa and I could finally breathe.
"Let's go down to the district now." Alyssa said.
"You have that overnight duffel in your car?" I asked her.

"Yea I do why?" She asked.
"What's in there?" I asked.
"2 pairs of leggings... 1 pair of sweats. A hoodie and like 2 shirts I think. Oh and I have an extra pair of sneakers and socks too in the trunk." She said.

"This is why you're the best. You're always prepared. I wanna get out of these heels and this little dress. It's freezing out." I said.
I went to her car and got a pair of sweats and a hoodie and I got the sneakers and a pair of socks. I quickly got changed in the front seat and we went to the district.

I wiped off my makeup with some baby wipes she had in her car. I was tired and knew I wouldn't want to take it off at the house, but I don't want to sleep in this makeup.

We got to the district and Trudy was very confused.
"You two do know its 2am right?" She asked.
"Yea we know. We just need to see my Uncle." Alyssa said.

"He's out. Want me to leave a message?" Trudy asked Alyssa.
Alyssa looked at me and then her phone for the time.
"Do you know when they'll be back?" Alyssa asked Trudy.

"No. Want me to leave the message or not?" Trudy asked.
"No it's fine... you think we could get a certain file though?" Alyssa asked.

"Why would I just give you two a file from a police station?" Trudy asked.
"It's.. for a school project." I said.
"A school project? And why would you need a file from a police station for school?" She asked us.
"Please Sarge? We'll bring it back as soon as we're done with it." I said.

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