Chapter 84

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~Brielle's POV~
We rushed over to Med.
"Mama? What's wrong with mommy?" Cameron asked me.
"Mommy's just a little hurt, she'll be ok though, don't worry." I said.

Once we got to Med, I saw Violet and Aunt Gabby there.
"Hey, where is she?" I asked.
"They rushed her up as soon as we got here... but... she's wasn't too good Bri... her vitals were basically nothing." Aunt Gabby told me.

"What..?" I said, and started tearing up.
"Is mommy... is mommy going to die?" Skylar tugged on my pant leg and started crying. Cameron looked at her and hugged her and cried.

"Don't talk like that you two. She's gonna be ok..." Violet bent down and hugged the twins. Aunt Gabby was hugging me as I held Maxx.
Then the rest of the firehouse came in.
"Hey.. what happened?" Uncle Matt came in.
"Alyssa has appendicitis.." Aunt Gabby said.

"Listen... she's gonna be ok." My mom said.
We all sat in the waiting room.
"Mama.. I'm hungry..." Cameron told me.
"Me too.." Skylar said.
I saw the time and it was almost 7pm.
Maxx was trying to pull down my shirt to eat.

"Ok.. let's go to the cafeteria to find you guys something to eat..." I said.
"Want someone to go with you?" My mom asked.
"No, it's ok. Just, let me know if you guys hear anything." I said.

We went to the cafeteria. There wasn't much there. So Skylar and Cameron each got a bagel and Maxx wanted an orange and I breastfed him too.

I was so stressed out about Alyssa. I'm always the one injured. It's literally almost never like this.
Now I know how she feels.

I saw Jaxson all of a sudden walk into the cafeteria.
"Hey, I heard what happened... you ok?" He asked me.
"Not really sure... just waiting to hear something.." I said.
"It's ok..." he hugged me.
"Thanks... where's Kenzie?" I asked him.
"She's home with Peyton." He told me.

We went back to the waiting room. Maxx was asleep in my arms. And Skylar and Cameron were getting tired too.

It was now 8pm and we still haven't heard anything.
I was holding Maxx as he was asleep, just worrying about Alyssa, it's been almost 2 hours now, and I know an appendix removal shouldn't take this long.

I had to stand up and keep pacing back and forth and bopping Maxx up and down in my arms to keep him asleep. He was very fussy because he wasn't at home. I noticed Skylar and Cameron were falling asleep on some chairs.

Then Natalie came back.
"Hey Bri.. I need to speak to you.." she told me. That worried me deeply.
"Bri, let me take him." Jax got up and took Maxx from me, I nodded and followed Nat to a small room.

"Is something going on? A complication?" I asked.
"Well... yes... she now has an infection in her body.. and... I'm afraid we have to do a hysterectomy... the infection has attacked her ovaries and uterus, all the tissue and organ muscles there are just dying, right now, it's contained to those organs, but if it spreads to any other major organs, that will be a huge problem. However, you are the one who can make the decision." She explained.

"A... hysterectomy?.. she was just talking to me a few weeks ago about how she was thinking of trying for one more kid in the future... and she wanted to carry it... I know she wouldn't want this.. is there anything else you guys can do? Manage it with some medication for now?" I asked.

"Brielle-" Natalie started to say, but I cut her off.
"Please Dr. Manning, I know my wife, she wouldn't want this." I said.

"I-...I'm afraid not, the organs are too far past repair, we're lucky that the infection is contained to those organs for now... but if we don't want it to spread.. we have to remove them.." she explained.

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