Chapter 32

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~Brielle's POV~
-end of April-
It was a week later and Alyssa and I are getting ready to go to Med to do the transfer. I was soooo excited.
"Babe, have you seen the the blow dryer?" I asked Alyssa.
"No I haven't, I straightened my hair with a straightening iron." She told me.

I finally found it after 5 minutes.
We both got ready and drove to Med. We got put in the waiting room and Alyssa and I waited excitedly but also nervous.

"I'm not the only one nervous but excited right?" I whispered and laughed to Alyssa.
"I'm nervous for you. Just worried about if this pregnancy will be hard on you or not." She whispered and leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Don't worry, I don't think it will be that hard." I whispered.

"Brielle Severide?" We heard my name.
I grabbed Alyssa's hand and squeezed it tight. Then I left her and went in the back. I got changed out of my clothes and got in a hospital gown.
Natalie came into my room and I was on my phone, texting Alyssa. I was getting really nervous now. My hands were shaking.

"Hey, so a nurse will come in here in a few and give you some sedation. And we always have Dr. Charles or Reese in here as the patients usually get a bit anxious as they are getting sedated. How are you doing?" She asked me.

"Not gonna lie, my heart feels like it's gonna explode out of my chest.. and I'm getting really anxious." I said, showing my shaking hands.
"I'll get Dr. Charles in here for you. Just hang tight." She said.

I waited for about 3 minutes then Dr. Charles came in.
"Hey, I didn't even know you and Alyssa were trying for a baby. That's wonderful." He said when he walked in.

"Yea.. I'm so excited to become a mom. I've been wanting to be one since I was probably 15. But now that's it's actually gonna happen, I'm just a little nervous.." I said.

"Well... your parents have told me how great of a big sister you are. And I know that once you were 16, you were raising your siblings when your parents were on shift. So I think you have a lot of practice. And I know that you will be a terrific mom." He smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

Then a nurse came in to give me the sedation.
"Ok Brielle, count backwards from 10. I'll count with you." Dr. Charles told me.
"10...9...8...7...6....." and I passed out.

~Alyssa's POV~
I'm worried for Brielle. She's keeps texting me that she's nervous and I can't be there with her. Then she just texted me that they were gonna put her under.

Dr. Charles came out and sat next to me.
"Hey, Alyssa, congrats on you and Brielle trying for a baby." He told me.
"Thanks... is she ok now?" I asked.
"Yea. She's under some sedation as they implant the embryos." He told me.

"That's good... you know.. I was a little skeptical and unsure whether we should try so young. We've been on the job for just over a year now... but... now that it's actually gonna happen.. I'm excited. And she's so happy and she just really wants to become a mom. When I finally agreed to go forward with this, she was just so happy and excited." I said.

"I'm happy you're excited. I know you two will be great moms." He told me, then his pager buzzed and he got called somewhere else.

About 15 minutes later Natalie came out.
"The transfer is done, we're lightening her sedation right now. You can go be with her." She told me.

~Brielle's POV~
I woke up in a daze. I saw Alyssa right there.
"Hey babe.. they did it.." she smiled and squeezed my hand.
"Yay..." I said groggily.

It took me a few minutes to wake up fully.
"Hey! So we're happy to say the transfer went off without a hitch! We implanted 5 fertilized embryos. So as we discussed before, having multiples is a possibility. So come back in 8 weeks to find out if any of the embryos attached!" Natalie told us.

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