Chapter 58

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~Alyssa's POV~
They just sent Brielle up to radiology.
I looked at Violet, she came back inside Med after taking the gurney back to the ambo.

"Hey how is she?" She asked me.
"They just sent her up to radiology... what could be wrong with her though? They said she had no fluid, but they did see something else.." I said.

"Where did she say her pain was?" She asked me.
"She said her back, her abdomen, she was nauseous, and she said she got some migraines and threw up." I said.

"I mean.. my first guess would be pregnancy... but that isn't possible in her case... maybe..." she said.
"Maybe what?" I asked.
"I would need to talk to Stella and Kelly... have you called them?" She asked me.

"No, I'll call my mom." I said. They don't know about the call we got. All units beside ambo were out on a call when we got called. I phoned my mom.

Gabby: hey honey, what's wrong?
Alyssa: hey, Vi and I are at med right now, we need Uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella here. It's Bri..
Gabby: what happened, is she ok?

Alyssa: she wasn't feeling good last night, so that's why she didn't come into shift today. And then she got worse and had to call 911, so main sent 61 over. And we don't know what's wrong.
Gabby: alright yea, we'll go.

I hung up the phone with my mom.
"Where are Skylar and Cameron?" Violet asked.
"Maggie took them to the hospital daycare... what could be wrong with her? What were you saying?" I asked.

"It could be something with her kidneys, but that stuff is usually genetic. So we need to talk to Stella and Kelly." She told me.

~Stella's POV~
Gabby came into the common room and came over to me with a worried look.
"Stell... we have to go to Med." She told me.

"What? Why?" I asked.
"Alyssa called me that Bri wasn't feeling well and she called 911 and 61 responded. They're at Med now." She told me.
"What..?" I said.

I went over to Kelly.
"Babe, we have to go to Med." I said.
"What are you talking about?" He asked me.
"Brielle's at the hospital, let's go." I told him.
"Squad 3 come on we're going for a ride!" He ordered.
"Let's go 81!" I yelled out.

"What's wrong?" Herrmann asked.
"Brielle's in the hospital." I said.
"Alright 51 let's pack up and go with them!" He yelled out.

We all went to Med.
We found Alyssa and Violet.
"Hey, do you guys know what's wrong with her yet?" I asked.
"No but-" Alyssa said, then Dr. Marcel came.

"Hey you guys.. so we believe that the cause of her issue is her kidneys. But kidney problems are usually hereditary. Do you guys have any history of kidney issues?" He asked Kelly and I.
"My... mom had kidney cancer for about 10 years.. but she beat it... could she have kidney cancer?" Kelly asked.

"We don't know.. we did see that her kidneys were inflamed.. we're doing more tests to see if there are any tumors or other factors... Stella what about you?" Crockett asked me.
"I um.... I don't know anything about my parents... I didn't really grow up with anyone..." I said.

"Ok. That's totally fine. But we're just concerned about what could be wrong. We'll keep looking and let you guys know if we find anything. But we all really believe that it's something hereditary, because she's a healthy 24 year old woman, there's no other problems that could be involved with this." He told us.

~Alyssa's POV~
This was insane. Brielle is perfectly healthy.
"She doesn't drink really or anything... and if this is hereditary, would we have to get Skylar and Cameron tested for this?" I asked.

"Let's not rush to anything.. but yes, if you guys used Brielle's eggs, then it could be possible that she passed it onto them..." He said, then he left.

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