Chapter 64

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~Brielle's POV~
Today we're going to Med to retrieve some of Alyssa's eggs. We already have a sperm donor picked out. I've been on hormones for about 2 weeks now. But Natalie increased the dosage, so I have to do 2 injections twice a day, and a pill twice a day.

We have to wait a week for the eggs to be fertilized and then we will implant them into me. Natalie said that once we implant the eggs, I can still be on shift, but once we get that positive test, I might have to stop. She said it all really depends on how everything looks— organs, heart rate, etc.

"Cameron, come on, let's get your shoes on." I told him.
It's Saturday, so Skylar and Cameron don't have daycare today. So we have to take them to Addilynn and Layla's apartment while we're at Med today.

"Where are we going?" Cameron asked.
"Mommy and I have to go do some stuff. You guys are gonna be with Layla and Addie, ok?" I told him.
"Ok." He said.

We all got ready and headed to Layla and Addilynn's apartment.
We got to their building and went upstairs.
"Hey!" Addilynn said when she answered the door.
"Hey!" I said.
"Did they eat breakfast?" She asked.
"No, we kinda just rushed out of the house cause we woke up a bit late." Alyssa said.

We went inside the apartment.
"Is Layla here?" Alyssa asked.
"Yea, she's sleeping." Addilynn said. I noticed some glasses of wine and bottle of beer on the kitchen counter.
"You guys had company?" I asked.

Then Addilynn's door opened.
"Oh hey you guys!" Lucas came out.
"Yea." Addilynn laughed.
"Luke!" Skylar and Cameron yelled out and ran to him.
We all laughed.

"What's all this noise out here? Oh hey you guys!" Layla came out of her room.
"Oh hey!" Anthony came up behind her.
"Hey! We have to leave now." Alyssa said.
"Skylar, Cameron, be good ok?" I told them.
"Yes Mama." They said.

"Can we take them out later? Like maybe to the park or something?" Addilynn asked.
"Yea sure, we'll text you when we're leaving Med." Alyssa said.
"How long should you guys take there?" Layla asked.
"Maybe an hour... Or probably more because we have to talk to Natalie about somethings." I said.

"Ok, take your time. Don't rush." Layla said.
"Ok, thanks you guys. My love, we gotta go." Alyssa said, looking at the time.

We left and drove to Med.
"How did it feel? Getting the eggs retrieved? I've never even had a surgery before." Alyssa laughed. She's right, she's never had a surgery before. Meanwhile I've had a handful.

"It's not bad. You're put under for the retrieval. Then when you wake up, you're a bit groggy, but then you feel normal like nothing happened." I explained.
"Did you take your morning dose?" Alyssa asked me.
"No, man.. we were running late I forgot." I sighed.

We pulled up to Med.
"Here, wipe your arm with this and I'll do the shots." She told me, giving me a baby wipe.
I did what she said and she did the injections.

"I will never, ever get used to this shots.." I said when she did them.
I drank the pill and we went inside. Alyssa got called back right away and they did the egg retrieval.

"Brielle? She's done. You can go be with her now." Natalie told me.
I went to Alyssa's room and sat next to her, holding her hand.

After a few minutes she woke up.
"Hey baby.. they did the retrieval.." I smiled at her.
"Yay.." she smiled.

After a few minutes she fully woke up and Natalie came in.
"Hey you guys! So we did the retrieval, now, let's talk about what Brielle will do when we implant the fertilized eggs into her in a week." Natalie said.
"Ok." Alyssa said.

"Ok so... Brielle, when we implant the eggs. You can work. But once you get the positive results, we will have to see where you are in terms of organ function and stress/ anxiety management to see if you can work after that." Natalie explained.

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