Chapter 45

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~Brielle's POV~
-Brielle is 22 weeks-
Today is the day of the gender reveal!
Alyssa and I are so excited. Our parents, Addilynn and Layla have been planning everything, but our parents don't know the genders or the fact that it's twins.

Addilynn told us that they rented out this party place room for the day for the party. Everyone had to wear blue or pink as their guess.
Alyssa and I were getting ready.
"Man, I feel like I'm about to pop, how do I still have 18 weeks left?" I laughed, looking in the mirror as I got my dress on.

"Well those are our babies in there..." Alyssa went behind me in the mirror and put her hand on my stomach. The babies have been getting more and more active by the day.

"What do you think the genders are?" I asked her.
"I'm very adamant about 2 boys." She laughed.
"I think my final guess is 2 girls. Since my brothers are twins and then since Madison and Oakley are a boy and girl." I said.
"Only a few more hours till we find out..." she gave me a kiss.

I did my makeup and my hair. Alyssa finished getting ready too.
"You look so beautiful babe..." Alyssa smiled.
"Thanks so do you." I smiled at her.
Then I got a FaceTime call from Addilynn.

Brielle: hey! We're both basically ready!
Addilynn was at the place.
Addilynn: ok, we'll text you the address.
Brielle: alright see you!

Alyssa and I got our purses and we went to the address.
"Hey! There you guys are!" Addilynn ran up and hugged us when she was walk in.
We saw all the decorations and it was beautiful.
"Oh my god you guys! This is adorable!" I said.

"I'm so excited for you guys to find out the genders!" Layla said.
"You guys did such a great job! How much did this cost?" Alyssa laughed.
"Don't worry about it." Addilynn laughed.

"So... how will we find out the genders?" I asked.
"You'll find out soon.." Layla laughed.
"How's the pregnancy been?" Addilynn asked.
"Tiring, rough, exhausting... but I'm just really happy to be pregnant." I laughed.
"How far along are you now?" Addilynn asked.
"22 weeks. And I'm literally about 30-32 weeks of a regular pregnancy." I laughed.

"How has no one suspected anything, especially our moms?" Layla laughed.
"Well, I just say that my stomach is really swollen, but ironically, my stomach is measuring a bit small for twins; it should be a bit bigger. And the babies are measuring small too weirdly enough. But they're both healthy." I explained.

"What's this?" Alyssa asked, going over to a table with 2 clear bowls and some paper.
"These are guessing cards. Everyone will guess what the gender is." Addilynn said.

"So no one knows it's twins right? Even our moms?" I asked.
"Nope. We kept it all a secret, the only thing our moms helped us with was the desserts and decorations." Layla said.

"I can't wait to find out the genders." Alyssa smiled at me.
"I know me too." I smiled.
"Where are they? Because in my anatomy class in college, we just finished learning about pregnancy." Layla said.
"Baby A is always just up in my ribs, and then Baby B is always towards the bottom or middle." I said.

"Hey you guys!" We heard some voice behind us.
We saw our parents, Aunt Sylvie, Antonio, and the rest of our siblings.
"Hey!" We said and hugged them.
"How've you been sis?" Jaxson asked me.
"Good! How's college treating you?" I laughed.
"It's alright." He laughed.

Kids age recap:
Alyssa and Brielle are 22
Addilynn and Layla are 20; college
Jaxson, Greyson, and Oliver are 18; college
Oakley, Madison and Mason are 15; 10th grade

"You guys have any guesses?" Alyssa asked.
"I think it's a boy." Jaxson, Oliver, Antonio, Oakley, Mason, and Uncle Matt said.
"I think it's a girl." Our moms, my dad, Aunt Sylvie, Madison, and Greyson said.
"Well the only ones who do know it are them." I said, pointing to Addilynn and Layla.

Soon everyone else came.
Before we find out the genders, Alyssa and I wanted to do a speech.
"Hey everyone! So we just wanted to say thanks for coming!" Alyssa said.

"We want to thank you all for coming and for being with us through this journey. We're really excited to become parents and can't wait to meet this little one.." I said.
"So. Everyone put in their final guesses before we find out!" Alyssa said.

Everyone put in their final guesses.
"Ok so... we have these tubes right here.. when you pop them open it will show the gender." Addilynn gave us each some confetti cannons.

Then Layla came out with a box.
"And then... this will show the other gender.." she said.
She put the box in-front of us, and it read 'well... surprise!'
Everyone was shocked.
"Hey twin genes run in the family!" Jaxson yelled out.
Everyone laughed.

"Did you guys know it was twins?!" My mom asked.
"Yea of course we did!" I laughed.
"So the confetti cannons are Baby A and the box is Baby B." Addilynn explained.

"Anyone want to changed their guesses now?" Alyssa laughed.
Some of them guessed 2 girls, some guessed 2 boys, and others guessed a boy and a girl.

"What do you guys think the genders are?" Aunt Gabby laughed.
"I think it's 2 boys." Alyssa said.
"I think it's 2 girls." I said.

"Get on with it!" Trudy yelled and we all laughed.
"Ok.. let's go the confetti cannons first..?" I asked Alyssa, she got hers ready.
We popped the cannons and blue confetti came out.

"Oh my god!" Alyssa and I yelled out and hugged each other.
"Well I already lost." I laughed.
"Yea you did." Alyssa laughed.
"Ok so baby A is a boy..." I smiled, putting my hand where he was.

"Let's open this box now..." Alyssa said.
We opened the box and pink balloons came out.
"Oh my god we have one and one!" I yelled out and started to tear up.

Alyssa smiled and hugged me.
"Let's go! Woohoo!" Our siblings yelled out. We laughed.
I looked at Alyssa with tears in my eyes, smiling.
"We have a son and daughter on the way..." I sniffled.
"Yes we do..." Alyssa smiled, wiping my tears.
"Congrats you guys!" Everyone cheered.

After the party, our parents and siblings stayed behind.
"I... can't believe it..." I laughed.
"I know, you two have a son and a daughter coming so soon." My mom smiled.
"You guys have any names picked out?" Uncle Matt asked.
"No not really..." I said.

Alyssa and I got home.
"This is insane..." I laughed.
"I know.. we have one and one..." Alyssa smiled.
"How about... I name the girl and you name the boy? Since last time... you really wanted a boy and I really wanted a girl." I suggested.
"Yea.. I like that idea..." She smiled at me.

"Let's tell each other the names when I give birth." I said.
"Alright, sounds good to me..." she smiled.
We got changed into comfy clothes and hung out in the living room.

We looked at the Christmas tree in our living room. Christmas was in a week. We have everyone's gifts already bought and under the tree.
Everyone is coming over to our house on Christmas morning.

"Just think... next year, we'll be celebrating Christmas will our two little babies..." Alyssa smiled.
"Here look." I said, grabbing her hand and placing where baby girl was kicking.
"I can't wait to meet you both..." Alyssa whispered and kissed my stomach.
"You're so cute babe." I smiled and gave her a kiss.


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