chapter 1

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ross' pov.

"What is my Dare?", I asked Ryan - my best buddy -, "Your dare is it to begin a relationship with the ugliest girl on our school!", he smirked at me.

My eyes widened, "Dude, I have a Girlfriend!"

Ryan began to laugh, "Dare is Dare, Rossy", I sighed, "Please tell me you're just image as coolest boy on School would be ruined!",

"You just have to do it for 2 months. I think you will survive it" He winked.

"Fiine.. at least I don't have to kiss her.." Ryan looked weird at me and smirked.

"No, Ryan. No! I go out with her! I will ask her if she wants to be my Girlfriend! I maybe even hug her! but I WON'T kiss her!",

seriously. I had a girlfriend and having to do this stupid dare was stupid enough, but also kissing her?

"But that's what you have to do as Boyfriend." He answered, still having this smirk plastered on his face.

I looked serious at him, "I have a Girlfriend! you know that!"

He just rolled with his eyes, "then you will tell her that this is your Dare, and she has to understand.",

I thought about it, "I hate you." Then Ryan made a Kiss face. Actually is it funny, but this time?

"Don't even try", I said and he laughed..
Flashback end

There I stood. In front of my Girlfriends House. I breathed in and then I knocked on the door.

Not even a minute later, my Girlfriend opened the door, "Ross!", she smiled, "What are you doing here so late on Sunday?"

I came closer to her, "can't I visit my Girlfriend?" i smiled.

I gave her a short kiss. "Of course you can", she giggled, "Come in".

My face got sad, "Maia, umm.." I said, "I want to clear that now.."

I could tell that she got nervous but went outside and closed the door behind her, "Okay. Begin", She crossed her arms.

" you know..Ryan slept at me the day before yesterday..and he came on the genius Idea to play Truth or Dare. And how stupid I was I took Dare", I tried to explain, while Maia just listened. "And my Dare is it to-", she cutted me up:

"to break up with me or what?" She sounded mad.

I laughed lightly, "No..I mean, we have to break up for public. But we stay together secretly" she looked confused at me.

"my Dare is it to begin a relationship with the ugliest girl on school"

I excepted her to be mad or something, but then she began to laugh. "Hey, that isn't funny!" I said.

"sorry, Ross. But-" She couldn't speak because she had to laugh so much.

"Maia! Stop it!"

that was when she lightly stopped, "that is so genial, can I tweet this?", she took her phone.

I softly pushed her, "No, of course not!" I said in a high pitched voice. I didnt think that this was funny at all.

Maia then stopped finally laughing, "Sorry Honey..", she smiled. "How long do you have to do this shit?"

"2 full months", I sighed.

"Oh my goodness.. "

"I also have to kiss her."

Maia got shocked but i wanted to assure her that i just had feelings for her, "but I just love you! Don't forget this"

I took her hands, she slightly smiled. "I know.", I kissed her and she kissed back.

Hey lovelies, I'm so sorry for that Raia Chapter..I don't ship them, haha no. I hate them. I mean, I LOVE Maia. But I hate raia so much, arg. Anyways, I hope you like that first chapter..I try that the next chapter will be Raura. -monique

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