chapter 26

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Sorry for updating that often.

"But Ross, she's together with Simon.." Courtney said, careful.

I sighed, "I know, but I'm sure that she loves me! Deep inside of her, she still has feelings for me! I just know it.."

Then she took my hand and stayed quiet. I loved when she did that, because she felt I needed time for myself to think.

"Let's sleep.." She whispered after a while, I nodded my head yes, we laid down and I starred at the ceiling.

"Ross, you will find your girl. She is out there and waits for you. Trust me."

I turned to Courtney and looked at her, deeply. The moon was shining through the window and it made her look so beautiful.

It was like the whole world got quiet by then. We just layed there, watching us.

Suddenly I felt my lips on hers. I didn't even realize how I leaned in as it already happened.

I moved my lips with hers, slowly but sadly. She knew what was going on with me, but she didn't mind.

Courtney put her hand on my cheek, but she also was the one pulling away after a short while.

I still had my eyed closed, I didn't want to see her face.

"Its alright, Ross. I am understanding you.." She said quietly, almost whispering.

I then slowly opened them to see her smiling weak, there was a little tear rolling down my cheek.

Court whipped it away and kissed my cheek, whispering in my ear, "sleep now, it was a hard day for you.."

That's what I did, I fell asleep soon. But all I have dreamed about was Laura.

Laura's POV

*2 weeks later*

Where could I begin..

Remember how I saw Ross getting punched by his own dad? I spoke with Rydel about that and she told me that their Dad was only doing that because he was firstly, an alcoholic but secondly, he wanted to make the boys stronger.

Ross was stronger now, he applied for the kick boxing team in our school and got a place.

Rydel of course also asked why I was questioning at all. Well, after I saw Ross looking all bad, I was wondering what was going on.. yeah.


"Laura! Laura!" Lisa squeaked excited and run up to me and Simon.

I laughed, "what's up, Liz?" I turned away fom Simon and to her.

"You both are invited to the hottest party of the year!" My eyes widened as I heard that. The hottest party of the year and I was invited!?

"WHAT!?" I screamed, happily.

"that's not all! King and Queen will get chosen and I'm sure its gonna be you two!" She smiled.

I looked up at Simon, smiling big too..

but was it weird that exactly in this moment, I saw Ross face in Simons?

New update because I was bored, yay. Hope you like it.

Currently nones commeting their fav line. And that makes me sad :c

But thats to everyone who wished me a good birthday. I love yooouuu

Stay awesome (:

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Insta: onlyraura, smilingformaia (personal)
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