chapter 80

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Please read the info below it's important.

*6 months later*

"I cant believe you!"

"I didnt do anything! Stop being so freaking jealous!" I shouted back.

Me and Laura we're fighting pretty often recently. We fought about everything. It wasnt fun anymore.

Laura started laughing sarcastically, "I am jealous?! Do you hear yourself talking?!" She said madly.

We were standing in her room. I was afraid her whole family listened to us and it made me feel bad. I loved Laura but she was so freaking moody in the last time.

"You're unbelievable!!" I said, looking away and then at her again.

"Wanna know what else is unbelievable?!" She took her phone and unlocked it, what else she did i couldnt see before she showed me. She showed me my own instagram pic.

"This is unbelievable! Ross, youre half naked on this picture! Why would you post that? Do i post my half naked body and a platform where everyone can see it?!"

I had to admit that picture was a little too much but i was proud of my body development since my dad started fighting with me.

"Oh my fucking god. That would be a completely different thing. And you know that! No one calls a boy names when he posts stuff like this! Everyone posts stuff like this! Wake up!"

That was when she started smiling, but it wasnt this lovely laura smile. It was kind of a smirk. But a mad and sarcastic one. She pulled her shirt over her head and dressed her jeans off in the next 5 seconds.

Then she went to the mirror and took her phone. She started posing for a pic. My mouth was dropping and I exactly knew what she wanted to do.

"What the fuck, Laura?!" I said and walked over to her, took her phone away from her fast.

She looked at me and smiled, "I thought everyone posts stuff like this? Didn't you say that?" She played with one strand of her hair.

"You know exactly how i meant it." I said harshly. "Youre so fucking naive, Marano!"

I was just so mad that she didnt let me show off my body. Why was she being so dramatic over this?

"And you are a fucking asshole! I begged you to stop posting these, you promised me you would stop but it only got worse!"

I moved my hands over my face and groaned. after that, i made these pray hands and in between my hands i still had her phone, "I. Am Not. Gonna apologize for posting these. Its my life you dont fucking own it!" I said while looking at her.

"So why would you have a problem with me posting stuff like this too? i mean obviously its my life?" Laura replied and she knew she had got a point in this, "Give me my phone back, Lynch." She stretched out her hand.

I rolled my eyes and laid it in her hand. "I'm gonna go now." I said and took my things together, fast.

"Do as fast as you can." She picked up her shirt from the floor and dressed it on, then she sat down on her bed and scrolled trough her phone.

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