chapter 7

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lauras pov.
Something was different than the day before. Was I embarrassing? Was it awkward to hang out with me? OK of course it was.. but I thought we were together.
I looked after him with a light smile and went to my own class. I didn't get attention because I was one of the most unpopular pupils in this school. I had none to talk with so I just sat there, listening to the teacher, writing down some notes and doing my exercises..until the schoolbell rang for break. I packed my things together, took my jacket and went outside. I walked over to the place where I always sat. And always alone. I was used to it, so it really didn't disturb me. I ate my apple, while I looked over to the famous pupils: Riker, Ryan, Rocky, Ryland, Rydel & Ellington, Savannah, Courtney, Ashley, Alexa, Maia, even my sister Vanessa and Ross of course. Well., how you Maybe know, famous people are always sitting together.. this was the best example.
After a while, literally staring at them, Rocky noticed and said someting to Ross. Immediately, everyone turned around to see me. Ashamed I looked down. Maybe 2 minutes later, someone sat next to me. I looked up seeing Ross. "Hey.", he smiled. The first thing I did was looking around. Almost the whole school was staring at us. The other ones didn't care. "Are you sure that you want to be seen with me in Public?", I whispered unsure. He softly laughed, "Hey.. didn't I ask you to be my girlfriend, yesterday?". I nodded, "yeah". "And I didnt ask you just to ignore you then, okay?", "but..isn't it..awkward?". He raised his shoulders and let then fall again, "as if I care what they think..". That was the moment where I began to smile. "So we're officially together now?". Ross took my Hand, "yes".

ross' pov
And with that my whole image was broken.. but it was kinda okay. I didn't like this whole responsibility anyway. It was just weird to hold her hands while Maia was looking at us. "Wanna watch a movie later?", I asked with a light smile. Laura nodded, "would love to." At exactly this moment, the schoolbell rang again what means we had to go inside again for our next classes. I stand up and Laura did the same, "cool. See ya later then", i smiled and ran to the others. I looked back at Laura seeing her smiling at me before she went into the school.

I finally managed it to finish the chapter! It's bad I know..but I try to get this better the next time


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