chapter 27

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I have looked at Simon and saw Ross. I didn't even know why!

I shook my head and turned to Lisa, "when's the party?"

"Friday." She smiled at the two of us.

That was going to be awesome. I really hoped me and Simon would become King and Queen, it would have been so amazing!
Ross POV

I stood there, on our old place, with Maia, Ryan, my siblings and all the others. Maia and Ryan still were together, but in my opinion only for sex.

I rolled my eyes in thoughts. "Dude?" Ryan interrupted my thoughts and I came back to reality.

"Yeah?" I was annoyed because of this voice, I was done with them. We were acquaintances, but we never were going to be friends ever again.

"Did you listen to us?" Ellington asked and I shook my head no.

"Sorry man, I was thinking. What did you talk about?"

He sighed, "Hanging out at Friday night at mines. Are you in?"

I thought, "no sorry, I don't have time. I'm at this weird party." I told them.

I heard some people saying that Laura's there with Simon as her date, so I needed one too. I couldn't go alone.

"What party?" Ryan asked me.

"'hottest party of the year' aren't you invited too?" I asked, confused.

They all shook their heads, that was weird.

We were one of the most popular groups in our school, and just I was invited?

"Hm, strange.." I said and then it rang.

  -     -
*on Friday afternoon*

Laura's POV.

"I'm so excited!" I smiled big.

"Calm down, Laura. Its just a party." My sister Vanessa said rolling her eyes.

"Its my first party! And you're just jealous because you're not invited!" I  stuck my tongue out.

She laughed, "Haha, you think." Then she stood up and came to me to my closet.

Vanessa picked a few clothes and gave them to me,"try them."

Gaving me a smile she went to her room, I looked after her and sighed, sitting down on my bed.
"Laura! Simon is there!" My mom screamed.

I took a breath and looked at me in the mirror, smiling.

"Coming!" I said and then I turned of the light and went out, closed the door.

I walked down the stairs and saw Simim standing there in Smoking and Tie. It caused me to smile more, and I gave him a kiss, "you're looking handsome!"

He chuckles, "you're not looking bad yourself."

I awed, then I said bye to my parents and we were walking out of the house and up to his car.

As we sat into it and started driving, he spoke up, "and? Excited?" He glanced at me but kept his look on the street.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, "yeah a bit." I bit my lip, "I just can't believe that I am invited for the like best party!"

"I hope we are going to be King and Queen. Then we seriously have something to celebrate." Simon said.

I smiled, "yeah.."

Finally managed it to update. (: happy Friday to everyone wup wup. I'm watching twilight rn. And tomorrow mockingjay 2. I'm so exciteeeed!

But pray for me and all the others in Berlin that there aren't terrorists.

Did you hear that the IS want a world war in 2016? I read an article and im literally so afraid..but I know I'm gonna die, so..

Love y'all, follow me on social media

Twitter: rudysmaia
Instagram: onlyraura, smilingformaia (personal)
Snapchat: monismaia

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