chapter 60

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My eyes fluttered open and i looked around. Once I realized what happened i tried to move. Unfortunately, unsuccessfully.

I turned my head to the side and saw my hands handcuffed. My chest was racing too fast, the room was dark, except for the light that was shining trough the little window.

"HELLO?" I screamed and moved my hands, tried to get them outta the handcuffs. But the material burned into my skin and it began hurting.

I groaned in pain and let it be. Leaning my head against the wall behind of me and catches a bit breath. "Where the hell am i?" I started asking myself.

"HELLO! IS SOMEONE HERE? LET ME GO!!" That was when the door opened and 3 persons came into the room. 2 men who looked like some kinds of bodyguards and the person i know too good.

I looked shocked at this person. The men and the other person came closer to me.

"Why would you do this?!" I said.

"Didn't you get my note?" The voice said quietly

"Please.. just let me go.. Laura is for sure searching for me.." I tried to convince her to let me go so badly.

It didnt work, the person i thought i would know, and the person i thought i could trust. Kidnapped and Handcuffed me. Who knew what she would do next.

"Dont worry about Laura, Ross." She said calmly.

I widened my eyes, "you wont hurt her, right?!" I was more scared that they'll hurt her, than that theyll hurt me.

But she shook her head, "i wont even hurt you. That youre hurt is because you are the one moving. This was your fault." She looked to these men. "freed him."

They nodded and came to me, took these handcuffs off of my hands and I immediately moved my hands, touched them and whispered an ouch, then i stood up.

"Why am i here, Courtney?" I hissed while coming closer to her.

She was my best friend, i didn't understand this at all. Why would she do this to me and to Laura?

"Dont worry. If you do everything right, you wont be here for a long time."

I frowned, "What do you mean 'if i do everything right?'"

She sighed, "let us walk a bit." Courtney nodded to these men and walked out with me. I looked around. I didnt know where we were. Somewhere far far away I'd say.

I walked next to her even tho i could try to run away. But there wasnt anything near here but this big house she handcuffed me in.

"Talk, Courtney." I wanted to hear what was going on.

Courtney looked on the ground and then stopped walking and turned to me, "I need you to work for me." She looked in my eyes, our eyes half closed since the sun was shining.

I looked at her and was just more confused, "Courtney if you arent going to hurt me, nor Laura. What was this note about?"

She laughed a bit. "Brought it you two closer together?"

I thought. I did bring us closer together. I was with her all the time, protected her.

I nodded, "yes, but-"

She cutted me off, "you protected her, with your life, right?"

"yes, but i dont unde-"

"Listen, This whole situation is weird for you, i know. But you weren't allowed to know where you are. Nor you are allowed to tell anyone. " She started and looked around. "Someone wants to seriously hurt me."

I dropped my mouth, "what?!" I looked at her shocked as she nodded her head.

"very very long story. Maybe im gonna tell you some day. But the reason why you are here, is because now where you protected Laura, i need you to protect me."

"When you wanted me to help you, you didnt have to scare the hell outta me and Laura!!"

"Ross, you dont understand. Dont tell me you didn't exercise for Lauras protection. You could beat the shit out of someone who just tried to touch her."

Court looked at me, but i still was as confused as 3 minutes ago. "The real reason your dad is fighting with you, is because he wants to prepare you."

One shock after one. "WHAT? you-"

She sighed again, "look, it's complicated, i know this. But here, you can exercise, you get stronger, just like dylan and scooter."

I took a breath, "So how the fuck should I protect you? Who wants to hurt you and the most important question, When am i going to see Laura again?"

"If you say yes to my offer, i am gonna show you the way to get here. Means you can come whenever you want, and whenever i need you. I will always text you, but you need to promise me to come, no matter when. If you say yes, youre gonna get a gun, which i hope you will never use. But who knows when he will come and try to hurt me."

"You didnt answer my last question, is this a bad sign?" I listened to her and the things she said. I also heard the thing with the gun, which scared me a bit. But Laura was more important.

She shook her head, and fetched something outta her jeans pocket. My phone.

"Please write her you had to go home."
I took my phone and looked at it.

"But my car-"

She shook her head again, "Dylan drove it away." I nodded and sighed.

"I still dont understand.."

"Youre going to see her again by tonight. Just try to understand. I know i can trust you a-"

Now i was the one cutting her off, "Dont know if i still can say the same."

Courtney smiled a bit, "Youre a good soul, Ross. I would never hurt you, I love you."

I widened my eyes, "y-you love me?!"

That was the last thing i needed. One more ex girlfriend who told me she still loved me.

She giggled light. This giggle i always loved, it was so adorable. "Yes, i do. But dont worry, youre not here to kiss me, or sleep with me or anything you dont want. I totally am a raura shipper."

A stone kind of fell of my heart. A let out a breath, "okay.." I thought about this.

"This all really scared me." I said quietly.

"I know, but thats the way we fetch our workers. Once we took Dylan here the same way. Look at him now."

I remember his face, he looked strong. Stronger than i ever could.

I nodded and bit my lip. still thinking about this. Now where i knew Laura wasnt going to be killed, i felt better. Even better that i could see her again tonight.

"Do you accept my offer? do you want to become one of my partners?"

I looked at her, "what if i say no?" I crossed my arms but she stayed calm.

"then you can go of course. i don't force you." I thought about it again. Courtney was always there for me. When I needed her help, when Laura hated me, When my mom died. Why shouldn't i be here for her once.

I stretched out my hand, "deal."

She took my hand and smiled while shaking it light, "nice to have you. Come lets go in again, im gonna explain more things. But first write your girlfriend."

I smiled a bit and walked with her while writing Laura.

can someone please kill me? i dont really know how to continue but i needed that drama trolololo.


Im sorry again djfnxnanndn

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