chapter 42

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Lauras Pov

It did feel weird to be that close to Ross without to really be with him. But i just could not do a relationship this time.

I loved this boy and i knew he loved me. I knew he would have tried his best not to hurt me again.

But i wanted to see if he would wait for me. even just a while.

- 2 months later -

Ross pov

within those 2 months nothing much happened. Simon tried to beat me up, but he didn't cause im smarter then his stupid self.

my dad beat me up sometimes, i was getting really aggressive with time, both Laura and Courtney noticed.

I wasnt myself. The me i was before died with my mom together.

I would get mad when someone just said one stupid word to me, We all knew it wasn't good for me. But what could i do?

Laura was my friend, still. Courtney and Laura were like besties and they were my rescue sometimes.

Yes, i still loved her and she loved me. No, there was no sign of getting together in far future. One factor for that could be my new habit.

Making out with other girls.

You could watch me kissing girls in every break. They loved me. They loved my abs, my muscles. They loved my lips.

And it felt good. Maybe it sounds like i was a player. no. i was not.

I told them I loved her, Laura Marie Marano. Why i made out with them anyways? They also made me forget her for a while.

I tried so many times to get her to be with me. I bought flowers, went on dates with her. But she rejected me every time.
Not because she didn't love me. She needed time.

She told me it was like that each time some boy broke her heart, but she also told me it was never as bad as with me.

And i was so sorry, I said it often. She just shook her head smiling and kissed my cheek, telling me not to be.

I was waiting for her. Then just because I was kissing other girls, didn't mean I gave her up. Not at all.

A kiss is just something not important when youre doing it with persons you dont love. There were no feelings. It was rough and cold.

And every girl tried to get me in bed. They just didnt manage it. That would go too far.

Then the next girl i would sleep with would be Laura Marano and only her.


"Rosssss, come onnn. Courtney and I wanted to go to the cinema and you have to come along!" Laura held my arm and tried to pull me out.

I laughed a bit while shaking my head, "I dont feel like it."

Laura rolled her eyes and let go of me and eyed me.

Can you remember when i made her get lost in my kiss? she found out she managed it to make me get lost in her eyes.

It was like a hypnosis. A strong one.

Laura came closer, I couldn't look away, she already catched me and she knew.

"You're coming along, Rossy." She said in a sexy voice.

I swallowed but nodded, "I will. for you." I had to keep myself together so damn much. My desire of kissing her was so big.

Laura smiled, "good. be ready at 7pm." That was when she left me in my room alone.

God, this girl..

new long and well.. chapter

i know some of you are annoyed of all the stress between raura, but all the waiting will be worth it. I promise :)

i hope you liked it anyways and comment fav line ❤️

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